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Reset page number

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By: Henrik S. Larsen - skafsgaard

Reset page number

2003-08-20 06:36

I think I've seen this before, but can't find it.

So - I have a report where the title page is defined

by a subreport. Bot the title and detail section of the

subreport contains data. This means that when the detail section of the master report starts printing, it starts with page no 4. Or anything greater than 1.


Is it possible to either reset the page number or

avoid using the page number in the subreport.

So the counting starts in the master report.


mvh / regards

Henrik Skafsgaard Larsen








By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Reset page number

2003-08-20 07:24




The only way to reset the page number is by using

the isResetPageNumber="true" available for groups.


Just place a dummy group in your master report,

with an empty expression and without header and

footer bands, just with this flag set to true.


<group name="MyDummyGroup" isResetPageNumber="true"/>


This should be the first (top) group in your master report.


I hope this helps.







By: Henrik S. Larsen - skafsgaard

RE: Reset page number

2003-08-21 23:47



I'm sorry to say - it did not. The page number still starts with something greater than 1. The first group looks like this:


<group name="ResetPageNumber" isResetPageNumber="true" isStartNewColumn="false" isStartNewPage="false" isReprintHeaderOnEachPage="false" minHeightToStartNewPage="0" />


The only thing I defined is the group name and isResetPageNumber="true"

The rest must be default values.


mvh / regards


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Hello Thedor

I try the trick to add a dummy group with the isResetPageNumber to true and is not working

I have a title page with the  isTitleNewPage="true" and the content still start at page 2

do you have any trick i can try to reset the page number.


Tks for the help



<jasperReport		 name="BaseIndividualReport"		 columnCount="1"		 printOrder="Vertical"		 orientation="Portrait"		 pageWidth="612"		 pageHeight="792"		 columnWidth="572"		 columnSpacing="0"		 leftMargin="20"		 rightMargin="20"		 topMargin="30"		 bottomMargin="30"		 whenNoDataType="NoPages"		 isTitleNewPage="true"		 isSummaryNewPage="true"scriptletClass="com.individual.jasper.HeadingsScriptlet">	<property name="ireport.scriptlethandling" value="0" />	<property name="ireport.encoding" value="UTF-8" />	<import value="java.util.*" />	<import value="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*" />	<import value="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.*" />	<field name="id" class="java.lang.String"/>	<variable name="HeadingsCollection" class="java.util.Collection" resetType="Report" calculation="System">		<initialValueExpression><![CDATA[new java.util.ArrayList()]]></initialValueExpression>	</variable>		<group name="MyDummyGroup" isResetPageNumber="true"/> 	<group name="Introduction0" >	<groupExpression />	<groupHeader>	etc ...
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