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Export to PDF not working


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I have installed JasperServer 2.1 onto Windows XP to evaluate it but the export to PDF does not work, it just brings up a blank window. This is with all reports (including the sample reports), they all export to RTF/Excel etc it is just PDF that does not work.


I have installed this onto a different PC but it does not work on that one either..


Can you help.





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I'm wondering is there is a problem with the browser. I just tried jasperserver 2.1 (which is running under linux).


If I export to RTF it writes it to disk and that works fine. If I export to PDF is displays directly in my browser successfully. I am running (under windows) firefox

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Thanks for the quick response, I had pretty much ruled out browser issues, I have tried IE6, IE7 and Opera and it fails in all 3. All of them can and do display other PDF's. I then tried firefox and this displays the PDF OK...


So, obviously the server is producing the PDF output OK but I am wondering why IE6, IE7 and Opera cannot display the output. I have experienced something similar to this when I forgot to set the ContentType for a servlet except that worked in IE but not on Safari. I am kind of stumped is your install on XP/Windows or Linux? Can you display the PDF on IE6 or IE7?


Thanks for your help.



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I have no problem displaying pdf on IE7 in my XP box. Another thing you can try is to clean up your IE cache files/temporary files? Sometimes when it's full, it will cause problem. In some IE version, when the directory for temp files is full, clicking "View Source" will not display the page source and has no error.



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Hi Alex,


I have tried clearing the cache but this made no difference. I forgot to mention that the IE browsers I have tried are on 3 different PC's.


Is your JaspserServer running on XP or Linux?


Also, I have noticed that the PDF output in JasperServer Analysis View works OK but this appears as a file download rather than loading directly into the browser window.


I will try installing a different release of Acrobat tomorrow, I currently have v5.0 installed on all PC's.





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