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suppress group header/footer if only one group is


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is it possible to suppress the group header and -footer if I only have one group.


In detail: We use the same report layout in our subsidiaries and in the headquarter. When creating a report we group by the subsidiaries. If we run the report in a subsidiary we only get data for this single location, so we only have one group. If we create the report at the headoffice, we'll get data for all localtions and will have more groups. The group header- and footer should only be displayed for the headoffice, as it contains for example the subsidiary name which. This information isn't needed when creating the report for only one subsidiray.


Thanks in advance for your replies.


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Hi Betty,


thanks for the answer. Yes, this is possible and I already thought about it. But to be serious this is not that pretty solution. Isn't jasper able to determine the number of groups so that I can use this in the suppress clause???




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BatiB80 wrote:

Isn't jasper able to determine the number of groups so that I can use this in the suppress clause???


I'm afraid not, because "print when expressions" are evaluated at the moment a band start to render, and at the moment the first group header gets render the engine cannot know how many groups will the report contain.




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