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Jasper - report


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During the installation/configuration, we are facing the following issues in the jasper server.


1. The startup of jasperserver thorough the console and via the deployment directory takes about half an hour to startup.


2. While configuring the jasper reports- the report folder and the report xml file vanishes in a few minutes. Creating one report or two reports in the report folder has the same result.


3. The same result was seen when configuring the JRXML file in the initial installation. That became stable later.

if any one face such kind of issues, please let me know.




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This is bizarre behavior.


JasperServer startup typically takes 30 secs with Tomcat and JBoss. What console are you talking about? How much RAM were you giving the JVM? You need at least 128M.


I do not understand what you mean by "configuring the jasper reports- the report folder and the report xml file vanishes in a few minutes. Creating one report or two reports in the report folder has the same result". What were you doing?





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we set the RAM size for the JVM as 512M.

what i meant by configuring the Jasper report is that after deploying the JasperServer WAR in the geronimo, we will create the folder structure in the jasper server repository and add the necesarry reports to the repository along with the input controls, JRXML file and resource bundle to each and every report. Most of the times when i redeploy the WAR in the geronimo the configurations are retained, so that i can generate report. But some times when i redeploy the WAR the repository is completely empty. i have to create the folder structures and configure all the reports again.

We need to rectify this problem before using this in production.

Please let me know how i can resolve this.




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The report definitions and other metadata in the repository do not change when you redeploy or restart the server. You must have some other process changing the repository database. If you are running builds, there are processes in there for setting up the database automatically (drop and recreate), and also unit tests that load test reports.





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