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New iReports installation


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Hi Folks,


I'm new to JasperSoft and iReports. I've installed the server, I have an eval license. That's running fine. Then I installed iReports on my workstation, made the connection with jdbc to my MS SQL server and was able to use the query builder to create a query. I saw table names and field names properly in the query builder.


Here's the problem: I can't seem to preview the report in iReport. I've clicked on "build" then "execute (with active connection)", but nothing happens. Also, I can't seem to save the report. When I click on save, nothing happens, and at the top of the program it says "iReport 2.0.2 [classic 595x842 (Modified) null]", which I assume it's been modified but not saved.


What am I doing wrong?



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When you say the "console" do you mean my workstation? There are no errors that I can see, except for the one about not being able to open recent documents (see above image). The actual message is "Error loading configuration file C:usersblouderback.mediciireportrecentfiles.xml", but I don't think that's related. I think it can't open that file because I've never actually saved anything, therefore I don't have any recent files.


Other than that, I have no other error messages.



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Wow, fantastic idea, but I tried that about 5 minutes after I couldn't save or run my first report a week ago. I've uninstalled, reinstalled, rebooted, updated, everything I can think of.


Maybe it's a Microsoft Vista issue? Has anyone had problems with iReport and Vista?

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By default iReport is launched using iReport.exe. Rather than using that, open a command line and then run binstartup.bat. This may give more info about what's going wrong. I generally comment out the initial @echo off line to see more details.


Additionally, your screenshot shows odd behavior on the left side. I don't see why that would be related... but I suppose it's possible. If you are still having that behavior, try the menu Options -> Settings... On the window that pops up you'll find the option "Restore layout on startup". Uncheck this and see if the default layout presented the next time is better. This one seems like a long-shot.


I've seen people running iReport on Vista, so I know it's possible. But I know Vista is sensitive about giving apps access to all files, so it's possible that the issue is Vista-related. Hopefully the first suggestion above will shed light on the cause of the problem.


Let us know how it goes.




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