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Questions about ad hoc reports


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Dear Jasper forge Team..

i want to use the jasper server pro, but before buying it..i want to answers to my questions please:



1)- Can Jasper Server pro use oracle Database instead of mySQL?


2)- Can the ad hoc reports generate custom reports that i need, for example:i need a report that can use data from many tables,use joins, use calculation...etc, all that in ad hoc reports on jasper server pro, can i do it?


and please give me the technical support mail...




Post edited by: alaa56mm, at: 2007/12/02 17:02

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1) Yes.

2) Yes.


Detail for #2: In the Ad Hoc editor you design the report layout (crosstab, chart, table) and the fields, calculated fields etc. You do not define the SQL query in the Ad Hoc editor. This is done ahead of time, and it is stored in the Topic (a .jrxml file).


It sounds more like you like a discussion with a sales rep or system engineer rather than tech support. Both sales and support info is here: http://www.jaspersoft.com/contact.html.




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Thank You..

but i did read the documentation about JasperServer , i saw that you should upload the jrxml to the topic, so i should use ireport to do the sql query and select the fields,right?


because i thought that in JasperServer ,i can do something like select which table(s) you should have, which field you should have ...etc, all of this at Web-UI, without need to IReport..

help me plz?



Post edited by: alaa56mm, at: 2007/12/04 13:04

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Yes, you should use iReport (JasperStudio) to define the SQL query and define the available fields. For example, you might choose 50 fields in the topic and define their business names. Then in the Ad Hoc editor the user can choose which of those fields to use in the report. For example, maybe the user would want just 5 or 10 of the available fields in a crosstab layout.


It's not possible today to define the query (choosing tables, joins, columns, etc) from within the Ad Hoc editor. You must use iReport (or another .jrxml editor). But it's a great idea to be able to define the topics from within the JasperServer web UI. This is planned for the future. Stay tuned for more information in 2008.





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mmflynn wrote:

For adventurous techies, you can also try out a proof of concept app that ships with JS Pro 2.1. It's in samples/customAdHoc, and it's a bare-bones, web-based ad hoc query builder.


Hi Mary,


I'm a complete Jasper newbie.


How do I run this customer ad-hoc report/application?



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