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iReport Documentation


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Public iReport documentation is here.

You can also purchase comprehensive documentation of iReport and JasperReports. JasperSoft announced that Apress, the leading publishing company for programmers and IT professionals, will publish two new authoritative guides to help developers maximize value from JasperSoft open source BI technology: The Definitive Guide to JasperReports, by JasperReports founder and architect, Teodor Danciu, and Lucian Chirita, also The Definitive Guide to iReport by iReport founder Guilio Toffoli. The guides provide comprehensive user-based focus on JasperReports, an open source Java pixel-perfect reporting system, and iReport, a Java rich-client production report designer.

The Definitive Guide to iReport:
* Covers iReport as an intuitive and easy-to-use visual report builder/designer for JasperReports, written in 100% pure Java
* Shows how users can visually edit complex reports with charts, images, and subreports, as iReport is integrated with leading open source chart libraries for Java
* Demonstrates how the data to print can be retrieved through several methods including multiple JDBC connections, TableModels, JavaBeans, XML, MDX, EJBQL, Hibernate, and so forth

The Definitive Guide to JasperReports:
* Shows the power this open source Java reporting tool has and the ability to deliver rich content onto the screen, to the printer, or into PDF, HTML, XLS, CSV and XML files
* Demonstrates how JasperReports can be used in a variety of Java-enabled applications, including Java EE or web applications, to generate dynamic content
* Teaches you how to create page-oriented, ready-to-print documents in a simple and flexible manner

You can purchase the current version of the new Definitive Guides or an annual subscription to get all updates for a year.

JasperSoft Business Intelligence Suite Documentation Pack, including JasperAnalysis, JasperServer, JasperReports, and iReport
Annual Subscription http://www.jaspersoft.com/documentation1.html

Current version http://www.jaspersoft.com/documentation14.html

JasperReports & iReport Documentation Pack
Annual Subscription http://www.jaspersoft.com/documentation8.html

Current version http://www.jaspersoft.com/documentation2.html

JasperReports only
Annual Subscription http://www.jaspersoft.com/documentation3.html

Current version http://www.jaspersoft.com/documentation5.html

iReport only
Annual Subscription http://www.jaspersoft.com/documentation4.html

Current version http://www.jaspersoft.com/documentation6.html

Post Edited by Jasper Admin at 09/08/08 11:17

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have just paid for the iReport documentation and downloaded the PDF, eager to get on and write some reports and the documentation doesn't explain anything useful, the examples are useless (simplistic at best)


It's just full of circular references that do not go anywhere useful.


You lot should be ashamed to say you are apart of the open source crowd when you are producing software that is so complex that documentation is required to get it to work and then produce a useless manual and charge for it.


Not that soory for ranting on but have never come across software like this before that states it can do what I require but with no way of finding out HOW!!!!

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Actually i partially agree, in fact in the beginning i thougth it was a waste of time. but believe me it's worth it plus if you can't get information let me know your email and i send you the only e-book that i've been able to get. But most of my knowlege i've get it by testing and trying to see how could i handle it.


Again any complaint or something with ireport only 'cuz i havent go with JasperServer or others. give me your mail

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Sorry if post was a bit of a rant.

All I want (at the moment) is the connection string to connect a subreport that is different from that of the main report. The documentation states to use param "MyDatasource" but fails to state what the value should actually be. Have tried every thing I can think of from the straight JAVA to using the DSN (alias). Have had to drop using iReports for anything slightly complicated until I can sort this out

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JamieDenman wrote:

Sorry if post was a bit of a rant.
All I want (at the moment) is the connection string to connect a subreport that is different from that of the main report. The documentation states to use param "MyDatasource" but fails to state what the value should actually be. Have tried every thing I can think of from the straight JAVA to using the DSN (alias). Have had to drop using iReports for anything slightly complicated until I can sort this out


The built-in parameter $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} gives a clue to what the app is expecting (java.sql.Connection). So make an iReport parameter to represent the OTHER connection/database you want the subreport to use. Then drop the $P into the subreport connection properties box.


specifically in your main report that holds the subreport:

[add-modify papameter/default value expression/new]

parameter name: subConnSybase01DEV

parameter class type: java.sql.Connection

default value expression: java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:49152/sybase01dev", "dba", "sql")


[subreport/properties/subreport tab]

Connection/Datasource Expression: Use connection Expression

paste parameter in bottom box: $P{subConnSybase01DEV}


**no clue how to turn off emoticons so the 'dizzy' is a colon s

Post edited by: momzilla, at: 2007/12/04 02:02

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momzilla you are a star! That's what I wanted and it works fine: can now query as many datbases as required in same report (with subreports)


Shame the manual couldn't have quoted you in its examples.


Now they need to improve subdataset usage and they'll have a reasonable package.


Thanks again

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  • 3 months later...

Sadly, I also have to agree with a less-than-approving rating of the iReport documentation/"Definitive User Guide." I am not a beginner to report design, SQL, or programming, but I *AM* new to specifically Java and iReport. I bought the Guide in the hopes that it would give me the information I needed to move beyond the most basic of reports.


What I have found is nothing but frustration. The Guide is constantly talking over my head, making the assumption that I already know far more syntax and information than I really do. I am left with searching Google for answers, gleaning samples from unrelated sections of the Guide, and using trial-and-error to just get what I would call "basic" things to work.


For example, the syntax of a comparison is never spelled out in the Guide. The examples I have found allow me to know if something is null or equal, but I'm unable to use greater than or less than (the only examples I find are those with math, but I don't want to calculate anything!)... I want to bash my head against a wall when I'm unable to do something as simple as know if field A > field B! I think my most favorite frustrating error is "Cannot cast from int to Integer"... so, why are "int" and "Integer" different and how do I make an actual number (like 0, which is apparently seen as "int") be usable against a field (like $F{AMT}, which is seen as Integer)?


These are, I am sure, very simplistic questions. My problem is that I fall beyond "The Idiot's Guide to iReport" (since I understand complex SQL and much of how a report designer works) but I fall short of where the "Definitive Guide" seems to start. Are there any other resources I can be referred to? An "Idiot's Guide" would be fine as long as it goes far enough to get into the things I don't know, like basic programming syntax for expressions.


Thanks for any help!

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you said that you are new to Java, and the problems you run into are mainly Java related. For example, Integer is a class and int is a simple type, if you want to compare them you need to call $F{AMT}.intValue() method that returns int value of Integer. Feel free to post any other problems you encounter!



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racerzack I feel your pain. I was in the same situation when I started using iReports. Knowing basic Java helps a great deal when you first start using the product. If it is not mentioned in the iReport manual it probably should be.
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  • 2 months later...

Hi Momzilla,


In one of your replies you explained how to configure different DS for subreport.


[add-modify papameter/default value expression/new]

parameter name: subConnSybase01DEV

parameter class type: java.sql.Connection

default value expression: java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbcybase:Tds:localhost:49152/sybase01dev", "dba", "sql")

[subreport/properties/subreport tab]

Connection/Datasource Expression: Use connection Expression

paste parameter in bottom box: $P{subConnSybase01DEV}


This is really helpful. I just want to know how to configure this with using Java bean as a datasource. I have different java bean for subreport.


Can you please help me in this?




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hello, I'm new to Jasper and iReports and would like someone to tell me a little bit about the two products. I'm looking to replace an access reporting system with iReports and eventually would like build an internet net accessable reporting system. Can someone tell me if these tools will do the trick and if so how do I go about finding info on how to do this. I've been going through the iReports tutorial, so I'm a little familiar with the GUI, but not sure how to set up my internet accssable piece. Are there any tutorials or Docs that tell me how.


Please reply to sportster2@prodigy.net




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Sadly, I also have to agree with a less-than-approving rating of the iReport documentation/"Definitive User Guide." I am not a beginner to report design, SQL, or programming, but I *AM* new to specifically Java and iReport. I bought the Guide in the hopes that it would give me the information I needed to move beyond the most basic of reports.

What I have found is nothing but frustration. The Guide is constantly talking over my head, making the assumption that I already know far more syntax and information than I really do. I am left with searching Google for answers, gleaning samples from unrelated sections of the Guide, and using trial-and-error to just get what I would call "basic" things to work.

For example, the syntax of a comparison is never spelled out in the Guide. The examples I have found allow me to know if something is null or equal, but I'm unable to use greater than or less than (the only examples I find are those with math, but I don't want to calculate anything!)... I want to bash my head against a wall when I'm unable to do something as simple as know if field A > field B! I think my most favorite frustrating error is "Cannot cast from int to Integer"... so, why are "int" and "Integer" different and how do I make an actual number (like 0, which is apparently seen as "int") be usable against a field (like $F{AMT}, which is seen as Integer)?

These are, I am sure, very simplistic questions. My problem is that I fall beyond "The Idiot's Guide to iReport" (since I understand complex SQL and much of how a report designer works) but I fall short of where the "Definitive Guide" seems to start. Are there any other resources I can be referred to? An "Idiot's Guide" would be fine as long as it goes far enough to get into the things I don't know, like basic programming syntax for expressions.

Thanks for any help!
Hi,I am using XML as a datasource with iReprot. I want to use ForEach loop. do anybody has idea how can I achieve this? e.g for each tag--- display value... end for each loop.. it shoould repeat for each tag.Regards,Amit Deshpande.
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Hi ,


Anywhere I can find documentation or reference or manual for iReport 3.0.0 . Is books available in market for higher version ? Able to find Defenative guide for lower version ? I need material for higher version to learn new things like setting formula to an excel cell  (to learn property or propertyExpression mainly) ,etc...

Please help out...

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I am considering buying the Definitive Giudes, but it is unclear what version they document.  I just installed JasperServer 3.0 and iReport 3.0 (Community Edition), for evaluation.  I don't mind buying documentation, but I want to be sure that the docs I get will apply to my installation.  Suggestion: could you indicate on this page http://www.jaspersoft.com/documentation14.html what version(s) of the software the docs apply to?


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I too don't mind buying documentation, but I was rather disappointed to find out that the self-styled "Definitive Guide to iReports" is anything but "definitive". It is poor.

Also, it only covers iReports v2.0 - I'm currently using v3.0.1

I'm debating whether or not to ask for my money back.


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Public iReport documentation is here.

None of the links from this iReport documentation page works for me.

The links to JasperSoft are not correctly built, e.g. the link http://jasperforge.org/www.jaspersoft.com/ss_techsupport.html should have been http://www.jaspersoft.com/ss_techsupport.html

The links that appers to refer to JasperForge content are broken too... for example link to "Set up a Datasource" points to http://jasperforge.org/website/ireportwebsite/IR%20Website/iReport_documentation.html?group_id=243&header=project&leftnav=yes&target=ireport which sais "File not found!"

Perhaps it is just me and my browser (FF3 on OSX) or what?



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