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Line graphs points missing


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Using Ireport i have created a simple line graph but for some reason some of the "Points" on the lines are missing. Why might this be happening? Not to mention that also some of the lines are missing that join the points. Attached is a PDF with the line graph for you to have a look at. Any clues?


Best regards, Harris [file name=line_graph.pdf size=39802]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/line_graph.pdf[/file]

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I assume that some of the lines are missing because of your missing points. Are you generating data for each month or do some months have no data? If you have no data you will probably have to generate a dummy zero values for the months with no data.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello folks.


I wanted to reply to this as to give the thread a bump. The reason i think this is important is because it is a real problem that im sure not only i can be experiencing. Has anyone else out there come across this problem?


As i stated in my last post, every month should have data. There is no missing data for any of the points.


Any idea's? Maybe from a developer?


Best regards, Harris

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