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restart a timeseries chart when year changes


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using iReport, I'm trying to chart data based on date in a timeseries chart, but I'd like to compare different years by charting them one over the other.


I found out how to differentiate the series based on the year, so I have multiple series in the chart, but the X axis still holds the year, so they are not charted one over the other.


Can someone tell me how to tell the X axis to only be bothered by month and day ?





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Without knowing much about the JR timeseries charts, I have the following idea:

Remove the year information from the time series and only display it in the legend ... thus, all series should have the same time axis (normalised to 1900 or such) ... not clean, but might work ...




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thanks for your reply, if it's not possible to deal with it directly in the report, that's probably what I'll try to do : create another date field in my SQL where I manipulate the date to get the same year everywhere. I'm not an SQL guru, but I managed to get that field for a simple query. However it doesn't work in a query with a GROUP BY clause, so I'm still searching.


That way I'd have the real date in the report, and a "chart_date" for charting.


However it would be cleaner to have a solution directly in the report, so if anyone has another idea, please go ahead :-)





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