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problem passing the report query as a parameter


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Hi All,

I am a newbie to JasperServer though i have some level of experience with iReport and JasperReports. I have my java-based client application(standalone, not web) that prepares the query based on some UI values, dynamically and sets the query value to a parameter called "REPORT_QUERY". My JRXML file defines a parameter with the same name as well. I have created an input control with the same name in Jasper server for my report. It works in a standalone JasperReports/iReport combination but fails in JasperServer. The query doesnt get passed at all to the parameter and it fails with below exception..


java.lang.Exception: 1 - net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error preparing statement for executing the report query : 

at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.irplugin.wsclient.WSClient.runReport(WSClient.java:382)
at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.irplugin.wsclient.WSClient.runReport(WSClient.java:299)



I am really really really stuck with this issue.. pls help.




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So is the problem that you cannot publish the report via web services to JasperServer? Or once the report is in JasperServer, you cannot run the report via web services? Can you run the report through the straight JasperServer UI, with the query as a text input control/parameter?





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