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Arabic Text in RTF file


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Hi there, i have simple arabic text when i tried to display this with RTF file format it is showing Arabic in Reverse Order. Like الرياض is displayed as ضايرلا

in simple words "Apple" Displays "elppA" its a problem. i m embedding JRXML file code.



<band height="550">


<reportElement x="350" y="0" width="200" height="50" />

<textElement textAlignment="Right">

<font fontName="Arial" size="22" pdfFontName="ARIAL.TTF" pdfEncoding="Identity-H" isPdfEmbedded="true"/>


<text><![CDATA[صاحب السمولالملكي]]></text>





Working with PDF is OK. BUT not working with RTF FILE format. did not checked with Others.

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Yes i tried the same example in my application it is same for RTF. One more thing,,, The arabic Numbers should be printed as Arabic not latin. for example...

العدد 7 downward arrow is actually 7 in arabic, i m facing this problem while printing PDF report, although Numbers in JRXML file are in correct Arabic format, but when it come to generate PDF it change them to Latin Characters/Numbers.

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I don't think I understand what the problem is with numbers. If you have numbers in the Arabic text, it should show as numbers.

Anyway, our tests indicate that the same RTF file looks OK on some machines and not good on others. So it might be related to the RTF viewer application that you are using.


You should try attach some screen shots describing the problem you have.


I hope this helps.


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