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gap between header and start details


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I'm using rectangles to create boxes around my data. When I look at my design there are no space between the header and the detail line. When I run the report I end up with a gap between the header and the first detail record. Several of the text fields in the header are set to "Stretch when overflow". I did see one post about putting a "space remover" but I could not get it to work. Is there any way to get rid of the gap and what is causing it? size=300]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/gap.jpg
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how's it going?

i saw your post and thought that you have a "challenge" (never say problem) similar to the one posted by andysusanto a few days ago. the difference is that it was with a column footer, not a header. refer to the following URL:



i believe the solution was a change in the property settings.


a couple of questions i need to ask:

which header are you referring to (page, column)?

do you have a text field that actually overflows and forces a stretch?


you can check this by coloring the background and/or showing the borders on the textfFields you have in your header. by doing so you will see which textField, if any, is producing an extra line below the text inside of it. that might be the cause/reason for the extra space. you might already know that textFields that stretch sometimes produce an extra space below the text. i have an idea when it does this but not why it does.


i am not on a pc that has iReport on it so i have to get back to you when i ascertain that what i'm going to give you will work. i'm guessing it has something to do with a textField that you have in your header.

however, try taking a look at the URL above. i'm thinking you would be able to find a similar solution that would work for you.


btw, could you send me the link to the article about the space remover that you mentioned. i'm interested to see how it was coded... thanks!




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well, that's one way to work around it. as long as the height of your headers are not expected to cause any trouble... well and good.


btw, thanks for posting that link. i'm still trying to find out how teodore was able to make use of that "space remover". i thought i was able to make it work but the three zero-height textFields actualy just moved to the background band when I moved it a bit. i thought i got it but i wasn't convinced that what i did would work most of the time... so i tried to break it... hehehe.... it did. :woohoo: that's why i'm still trying to figure that out. i'll post whatever i find out and let you know as soon as i do. if i don't figure it out, i'll have to ask teodore. :)

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