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How Invoke a report from App. Express Oracle


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Hola.. Conoce alguien la forma de llamar un reporte que esta almacenado en una JasperServer (JasperIntelligence) desde HTMLDB (Application Express de Oracle).. O de que manera ejecutar un archivo Jasper Report desde alli..




Hello. The form knows somebody to call a report that this stored in a JasperServer (JasperIntelligence) from HTMLDB (Application Express de Oracle).. Or of which way to execute a file Jasper Report from there..


Post edited by: genesis_net, at: 2007/05/02 16:25

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Yes, The HTMLDB can invoke URL.. But I don't know how make this?. I created a report from ireport using the plugin, I can execute the report fine.. But I don't know how called?? Example:


This is my JasperServer URL



And I created an folder "Mastec Reports" inside this, I created the report "Employeed Test"


You Can Help me..



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