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JR with other Programming Languages


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Hi alltogether...


i have to make an overview over the possibilities that JR offers for Reporting and the question arose, if there is any possibility to use JR not with Java, but with other languages such as .Net or Ruby or something.


Does anyone has experiences with this or ideas/meanings... and can share them with me?


That would be great!

Post edited by: wegnerk, at: 2007/04/17 13:56

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Here's something about a JasperReports/Ruby On Rails integration:



But if you are referring to using a different language for the report expressions in JRXML, than that would mean a new report compiler would have to be used.

We have report compilers for Groovy and BeanShell.

One for JavaScript would be within reach if we decided to do it. Not sure about Ruby and .Net though.


I hope this helps.


Post edited by: teodord, at: 2007/04/19 15:55

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By the way, the list of available languages and compilers appears to be hardcoded. Is there a way to add a new language/compiler without changing MainFrame.java, OptionsDialog.java and ReportPropertiesFrame.java ?


It's always a pain to upgrade...




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