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Bug in Query Designer for Postgres Databases?


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Hello, not sure if this has been reported before, I've tried searching but no luck..


The query designer seems to have trouble getting the table fields for tables with capital letters in there names.


I have tried various versions of the JDBC driver, and various java versions, but in all cases adding a table with capitals in its name results in an empty box.


is this a known issue or is there any workaround? the query designer looks immensely useful.



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I have a similar problem with query designer.


I enter the following SQL statement;

select * from cidade;


but Ireport says:

Relation "cidade" does not exist


I have tested the same SQL statement using psql(terminal) and it worked fine, I could retrieve the whole table.


I you go to:



You will see a note about JDBC4

JDK 1.6 - JDBC4. Support for JDBC4 methods is virtually non-existent. The driver builds, but new methods are stubbed out.



Maybe this is your problema..

Should we move to another DBMS??

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How many datasource you created? only one? Make sure you selected the datasource as default.


In the main page of ireport, there is a drop down menu to select datasource, so make sure it correct.


Any issues in db connection?

I aslo using the postgresql with iReport, no issues.

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It is strange because IReport has PostgreSql JDBC Driver in a drop down list. When I selected it and asked to test the connection, IReport displayed an error message saying it was unable to find the JAR file in classpath.


To solve the problem, I got a JAR(JDBC Driver) for PostgreSql, I downloaded the version JDBC4 because I use Java 1.6.0 and it uses JDBC 4, My PostgreSql is 8.2.3.


I tried to test the connection again, the test was successfull, the next step asks you to provide a SQL statement, I entered:


select * from cidade;

When I clicked Next IReport displayed another error message saying that Relation cidade doesn´t exist.


The select statement is fine, I tested it using postgres´ psql.


When I got the JDBC Driver from postgreSql website there was a warning that says:


"Support for JDBC4 methods is virtually non-existent, the driver buils but new methods are stubbed out"


I Tried using JDBC3, I tried ODBC Driver... nothing works.


What java, postgres and ireport version are you using?



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I was successfull building SQL statement.


I tought I had created table "cidade" inside database "charlles". It was inside database "postgres".



I simply changed the "dabase name" within the URL from "charlles" to "postgres".




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