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iReport 1.3.2 too slow


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I ended up with the same experience slaisne is having. The new colors and handles in iReport 1.3.2 are pretty and nifty, but I'm getting 4-5 second wait times when I do anything, even something as small as moving a textbox from one location to another. My workstation is slow and old to start with, but I'm seeing a large speed difference between 1.3.2 and 1.3.1. iReport 1.3.1 is not blazingly quick on my workstation, but it moves at an acceptable pace.



I'm not complaining here -I appreciate the work that's gone into iReport in all of its incarnations. I'm just corroborating slaisne's findings with my own. I'll continue to use 1.3.1 until I can get my workstation upgraded (unlikely) or there's reason to believe 1.3.2 works a lot faster for me than it is now.



In case it matters, I'm running Windows XP SP2 with JDK 1.6.0 and JRE 1.6.0.

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first of all as this is my first post here: Great work. I appreciate this very much.

As I also recognized the preformance drawbacks in 1.3.2 I checked out your latest changes in the repository and built a new version. If I disable the real time validation feature now the performance is a bit better but far from 1.3.1. And also the report elements (e.g. fields) are no longer marked with the red border if they are moved out of the band.


Furthermore I saw that your update to groovy is not in 1.3.2. There still is "groovy-all-1.0-beta-10.jar" in the downloadable src-zip. Why is that?




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