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report groups difference JasperReports/iReports


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Hi all,


I am work with IReport (getting the newest version) and a program that compiles templates and generates a jasper print. In my template, I have 2 report groups. 1 report group manages pages. The other works off of a variable from the data. The data is read as a field call Operator. The expression of the report group is this $F{Operator}. Also the box is checked for resetting the page count.


Anyways, I run this report in IReports and it works perfectly, and the page numbers are reset on every new Operator. In my program, it seems to think every new page has a different operator, thus the page number is always 1. I am using JasperCompileManager.compileReport(uncompiledTemplateIn) to compile my reports. Do I need something else here?


I am passing in the data later and that all seems correct, so it looks like the template is just being compiled differently. Also I know both programs are using the same JasperReports jar.


Any guesses anyone?


Thanks for looking at this.


Post edited by: Dduffek, at: 2007/03/26 17:23

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Hello, i need your help please... I have this problem... I have one subreport.. but i don't know how to split it.. because i need to show only 15 records per page of the subreport...But I'm also working with the detail band.. It's something like this:

Detail Band





NOTE: In the detail band i show 15 records without any problem... and it let me show the subreport..

subreport 2





the problem is that the subreport show all its records and then it let to show the data of the records of detail band (since 16-30)...

So.. I need to split it... I was trying with the page break.. and also with this code:

new Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()==15?true:false)

that let me show only 15 records per page..but it only work in the first page.. because the subreport show all their data... I need that the subreport work as the detail band..

Can someone help me pls.. !!!



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