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'User account is locked' error


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Have anybody seen this error before? I am trying to connect to jasperserver (http://localhost:8088/jasperserver) and getting this error.


"WARN LoggerListener,http-8088-Processor24:55 - Authentication event AuthenticationFailureLockedEvent: jasperadmin; details: org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@2eb76: RemoteIpAddress: 12x.x.x.x.; SessionId: 31C45BC1A66CDC4E3B7E9666BD55DCD1; exception: User account is locked"



This problem is related to the login problem with JasperServer from other post. Since this is a different error message and is from the log file, hence I started this new thread.

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Please ignore this post as everything is working now. I had to uninstall the jasperserver and reinstall back and it worked this time. It appears that there is a bug in jasperserver. It will not work when you have either Tomcat or MySQL preinstalled. It will only work when you install all components together.


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I had the same problem on one installation.


Short version:

I used a quite old mysql-connector (3.0.9, if I remember rightly). After replacing it with current 5.0.5, it did work.


Longer version:

I found out that the user account was correctly authenticated (wrong password gave different log message).

On the other hand, the authentication object logged by acegisecurity did not log any permissions.


I then found out that the only difference between the working and the non-working installation were the connector-j.


Thus, I presume, the old version of the mysql jdbc driver did not return any rows from the user->role assignment table, or rather returned an error that was dropped ...?


Some time later, I ported JasperServer to FirebirdSQL, and had an empty JIUserRole table in between - the error message was different (login succeeded, yet "access denied" on the JS pages themselves, no logout possible). Obviously, the "locked" problem is a bit more than just "no rows from JIUserRole".


Maybe s.th. about join or union or sub-select that only "newer" versions of mysql support?





PS: I forgot to write ... I'm using JS on JBoss 4.0.4, not tomcat. Thus, I had to add the mysql-connector manually to server/name/lib.

Post edited by: csbac, at: 2007/03/18 08:47

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