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By: Elba - elbas


2002-12-16 16:38

Hi, my probrem is that i can't fill my report, i'm using a connection in my java class to sql,

and I had the license directory in my classpath! ,

before i try to fill the report i execute my classpath.bat in the command line...

i'm trying this:


D:JasperReportsdemosamplesMisEjemplosQuerysql>ant fill

and this is the message:


Buildfile: build.xml


[java] java.sql.SQLException: java.sql.SQLException: weblogic.common.LicenseNotFoundException: weblogic.common.LicenseNotFoundException: Could not find licensing file:

[java] Your WebLogic license file, named either WebLogicLicense.xml or

[java] WebLogicLicense.class must be located in a directory that is

[java] in your CLASSPATH. By default, your license file is located in the

[java] /license directory located in your WebLogic home directory

[java] (the root directory of your WebLogic installation).

[java] As of version 4.0 of WebLogic, a new XML-format license file has

[java] replaced the older, compiled class format license file.

[java] The WebLogic Server will recognize either format.

[java] For additional information on WebLogic licenses or on setting yo

ur classpath, see the installation instructions in the WebLogic Server documenta

tion, available at

[java] http://e-docs.bea.com/

[java] at weblogic.jdbcbase.mssqlserver4.BaseConnection.prepareConnection(BaseConnection.java:223)

[java] at weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver.newConnection(Driver.java:32)

[java] at weblogic.jdbcbase.mssqlserver4.ConnectDriver.connect(ConnectDriver.java:148)

[java] at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:512)

[java] at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:171)

[java] at QueryApp.getConnection(QueryApp.java:145)

[java] at QueryApp.main(QueryApp.java:59)

[java] Java Result: 1



Total time: 7 seconds


any idea ,Thanks.





By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: java.sql.SQLException

2002-12-17 00:43




It is the content of the /license directoy that you

have added to the classpath or the content of

the root directory?

I mean, if you have added to the classpath the directory that contains /license, the license files

won't be accessible.


There is an URL in the stack trace that might

help you get better answers.


I hope this helps.





By: Elba - elbas

RE: java.sql.SQLException

2002-12-17 16:32

Hi, I even have the problem when filling the report,

but when use Ireport doesn't have that problem with the license, the report is executed and it is compiled well, I want to execute from command line because I need to send and to receive

parameters in my report as in the exercise, so i need to also send the conection.


what do you think?



By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: java.sql.SQLException

2002-12-17 23:20




Are you sure you have placed the directory

that contains the license files in the classpath

when you launch java.exe?


Maybe you have added this directory to the iReport

classpath and it works. But you have to do the

same using the -classpath switch from your

command line.


I hope this helps.


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