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JasperReports 1.2.8 / iReport documentation


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Sorry for critics, but I think the web information about JasperReports and iReport are a mess. I was looking to find the order pages for JasperReports and iReport documentation (willing to buy the annual subscription) and to find out if they are on par with the current release (1.2.8) - to no avail or only after long searching.

Please give the web content a more logical structure!

Now my questions:

1.) Are the commercial documentations for both products updated to version 1.2.8
2.) Is there a reduced offer for a combined subscription (JasperReports & iReport?)
3.) If the docs do not reflect version 1.2.8, when will they be updated.

Also please, document changes in used third party libraries together with the what is new information. A png-encoder.jar has been added - what is it good for? What is the deal with the JavaFlow related archives and downloads.

If there is information about this topics, can somebody direct me to this? Again browsing through the pages on JasperForge did not give me the answers I need. However, I may be to blind to find it.

Thanks and kind regards

Thomas Gülden
Munich, Germany
Post edited by: tgutgu, at: 2006/11/16 08:34

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The current JasperReports Ultimate guide is up-to-date with version 1.2.5; the current iReport manual is up-to-date with version 1.2.4. I don't have a date for the new versions that will be up-to-date with 1.2.8, but I believe new versions are in the works.


As for the pricing of the docs, there is a reduced rate for those who buy both documents together. The annual subscription also has a similar offering. The pricing is described at:







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Hi Kristen,


Thanks for the reply. I would hope that the documentation is updated with each new release. Where else can we obtain information about the new features?


Also, there should be more information about what dependent library is needed for what feature. What is the JavaFlow stuff good for? Why had the png-encoder.jar be included? We have to learn, whether it is neccessary to integrate this library additions in our own project. This aspects aren't documented (or at least I can't find it), and I hoped to get this information in the commercial documentation. We use JasperReports in a production environment and therefore need to know this stuff.


How often do you plan to update the commercial documentation? I need this information to decide if it is worth to buy the annual subscription.


Kind regards


Thomas Gülden

Munich, Germany

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