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JI 1.1.0 Direct Report URLs?


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Try doing in the Link Parameters tab in the screen you are showing in iReport.


				<textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" hyperlinkType="ReportExecution">
<reportElement x="410" y="4" width="105" height="15"/>
<textElement textAlignment="Center"/>
<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">
<hyperlinkParameter name="_report">
<hyperlinkParameter name="EmployeeID">


If you are hyperlinking back to another report in the server, you don't need to put the full URL like that.










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I seem to be close of getting my drill downs to work now. However I did not completely follow you in the previous posting.


I am going to try the drilldown to work by using the example with the EmployeeAccounts report (as in your previous example).


First of all is the value of the HyperlinkTypes field OK (HyperlinkType=Reference)?


If pasting the code of previous posting to the Link Parameters Expression field, what should I call the Link Parameter (Value in Link Parameter Field)?


What value should I use for the Hyperlink Reference Expression field (by using the Reference tab)?



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This discussion is getting even more confusing..


If you want to define a drill down like in the style of the EmployeeAccounts sample (which is recommended, and what Sherman suggested), you'll have to

  • set the hyperlink type to ReportExecution

  • add a hyperlink parameter named _report and having "/reports/johnsson3b" as value expression

add a hyperlink parameter named kpi and having $F{id} as value expression

don't set any hyperlink reference expression[/ul]




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bhaugland wrote:

I need to have security in the JasperIntelligence web application. However I want to pass credentials from another web application to the JasperIntelligence so the user is not forced to log on a second time.


One way to do this is to write a filter (implements javax.servlet.filter and org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean) that looks at the incoming request and decides whether or not to proceed. This would work if your credentials are contained within a cookie, for example.


We did this coming from a RoR web app.

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I'd like to give over parameters and login values via URL for viewing an report as pdf-output.


Unfortunally the login values doesn't work and the js creates an access dénied error


My URL construct looks like this:











What's the mistake ?

Which is the correct syntax for building a corresponding URL ?

Where is a description about the URL parameters ?


Thx for help



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I'd like to give over parameters and login values via URL for viewing an report as pdf-output.


Unfortunally the login values doesn't work and the js creates an access dénied error


My URL construct looks like this:











What's the mistake ?

Which is the correct syntax for building a corresponding URL ?

Where is a description about the URL parameters ?


Thx for help



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