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use of a same JRXmlDataSource in multi subreport


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I would like to create report with 2 subreports.

Each report use the same xml datasource.


My problem is that the second subreport is empty.

In fact, after the first subreport, the datasource position is to the end...

Do you know how i cant reset the position of the xml datasource to the begining (rewind) ?


Thank you for help.

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I assume you have this xml :







and you want iterate through subelement elements in the main report, try this in the datasource expression :


choose "Use datasource expression" in combolist


type "((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)


in the textfield.


This will reset the datasource in the subreport because it'll create a new one.


Hope this will help you.

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Perhaps creating a new DataSource is not a good solution (performance of XML Datasources is anyway not the best)


As I don't work with XML DataSources but with CustomDataSources instead, I would suggest making your own method that returns the datasource with calling the "moveFirst" method before.


just my two cents


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