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JasperReport goes into infinite loop...


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This post is on the iReport too but, I don't know which is the uncorrect software.

I did a report via iReport 1.2.0 (but it's the same with newer versions).
It compiles but, when I use this report into a my Java Application, the method private void fillDetail() of the class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller
goes into infinite loop


I attach my jrxml file.

Thanks a lot for any help. [file name=DDNominaRUP.jrxml size=10281]

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In truth, the reports are two.
intestazioneDD contains as subreport DDNominaRup.

If I do the report of DDNominaRup only, it works.

If I merge the two reports together, it brings the loop.

I attach the jrxml file of intestazioneDD too. [file name=intestazioneDD.jrxml size=9570]

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