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  1. teodord wrote: Hi, Infinite loops in JasperReports are caused by layout problems. As you realized yourself, there was this page size inconsistency that caused the engine to enter an infinit loop trying to create new pages in the document, because the content would never fit inside. Such layout inconsistencies are usually related to the data being renderd so are impossible to predict at design time, unless the report designer carefuly puts the pieces in place and tries to figure out how the overall document would be filled. We are currently making efforts to improve the engine so that it detects infinite loops and exists them with an appropriate exception. Thank you, Teodor Hi to all. I reply to this post one year after. Can I know if this problem was been resolved? Is there the "802" max size again? Thanks in advance
  2. Hi to all. I know that the first uso of JasperReport(s) is with repeated values, usually displayed in tables (tag <textField>). In my case my standard report contains some <textField>(s) full of static text + some dynamic $F{field} not repeated. Building my document, using the subreport or not, the total height of the detail (and of the entire document) is so high that, at runtime, it goes in loop (already reported in other posts). The only solution (not tried before) I think as possible (horrible!), to avoid the loop and the OutOfMemoryError, is to divide my text in rows and load them as single rows of a datasource. Any alternative suggests? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi Giulio. I found that, the trouble come from the "802" max height of the entire document. So, if, as in the attached examples I work with a subreport of 802 pixel, the entire height document, being the sum of report + subreport is higher of 802. I reduced the subreport height and now it works. Any way, I would have more space for my static and not static text. There's a way to "enlarge" the maximum heigth? Thanks.
  4. In truth, the reports are two. intestazioneDD contains as subreport DDNominaRup. If I do the report of DDNominaRup only, it works. If I merge the two reports together, it brings the loop. I attach the jrxml file of intestazioneDD too. [file name=intestazioneDD.jrxml size=9570]
  5. In truth, the reports are two. intestazioneDD contains as subreport DDNominaRup. If I do the report of DDNominaRup only, it works. If I merge the two reports together, it brings the loop. I attach the jrxml file of intestazioneDD too. [file name=intestazioneDD.jrxml size=9570]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/intestazioneDD.jrxml[/file]
  6. This post is on the iReport too but, I don't know which is the uncorrect software. Hi, I did a report via iReport 1.2.0 (but it's the same with newer versions). It compiles but, when I use this report into a my Java Application, the method private void fillDetail() of the class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller goes into infinite loop Code: I attach my jrxml file. Thanks a lot for any help. [file name=DDNominaRUP.jrxml size=10281]
  7. Hi, I did a report via iReport 1.2.0 (but it's the same with newer versions). It compiles but, when I use this report into a my Java Application, the method private void fillDetail() of the class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller goes into infinite loop Code: while ( detail.getHeight() > columnFooterOffsetY - offsetY ). I attach my jrxml file. Thanks a lot for any help. [file name=DDNominaRUP.jrxml size=10281]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/DDNominaRUP.jrxml[/file]
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