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Main report not properly displaying sub-reports


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I am currently evaluating iReport for producing reports for a new application. I have been able to set up a main report with 3 sub-reports, and have them print.


However, there is extra space showing between a sub-report and text on the main report that follows the sub-report, even though the layout on the main report has that text right underneath the sub-report with minimal space between the two.


Also, the last sub-report is overlaid with the text that follows it on the main report.


This can be seen from the attached PDF files in the attached PDF. ====> Sorry, I was unable to upload the PDF files. This editor has removed the file upload capability when editting a post.


Any suggestions as to how this can be remedied? I think this is my final hurdle to get over in approving iReport. I have been able to resolve all the other issues I had by myself, but this one has me stumped.


Thnak you.


Post edited by: thosp8246, at: 2006/09/18 16:16

Post edited by: thosp8246, at: 2006/09/18 16:23

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Thank you for your suggestion, however I had already found the 'float' option on the Position Type property and had added it to the sub-reports and text.


It appears to float the text, but unfortuneately it adds the extra blank lines between the sub-report and the text that follows it on the main report.


Also, as the PDF file shows, the last sub-report is being overlaid by the following text.




Attached are the .jrxml files you mentioned.


Thank you. [file name=Forms.zip size=9396]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/Forms.zip[/file]

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To all who have been following this thread, I have found the solution to my problem of how to get sub-reports to properly display in another thread labeled 'Empty main report with subreports'.


The key suggestion from that thread was to:

Try to create for each SubReport a DummyGroup (without an expression) and place the subreport in each Dummygroupheader-band.... so you can pass either an empty-datasource to your masterreport (if you don't need any data for it) or you pass your master-query to it (if you want to show some (meta)data).


Working through that, and learning that the key for setting up sub-Groups is in VIEW / REPORT GROUPS on the menu bar. Keep in mind to set up the group with a large enough height to accomodate what you plan to place in it.


My thanks to C-Box for his suggestion, as I REALLY like what I see in iReport, and want to be able to use it as my report generator.



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Just a hint again:


Don't make Bands too large in height that just contains SubReports. The SubReport-Element can only be 1 Pixel high as the SubReport itself stretches as needed by its design and data.

If you make it too large it can happen, that the "unused" space is moved forward that could (!!!) cause empty space - even empty pages.


So jus my two cents (again) ;)


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