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Could not find the main class


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Hi, I've problem since iReport > 1.2.3 when i double click on JRXML file i have an error "Could not find the main class. Program will exit"

What is wrong? I have no idea, but when I get back to iReport 1.2.3 the problem is gone.

BTW, 1.2.3 version was the first iReport version that i've installed, maybe it has something to do with that.


Thanks for any reply

Best regards - Emil

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I also get this error after upgrading from iReports 1.2.3 to 1.2.7.


Initially with 1.2.3, ".jrxml" files were associated with iReports 1.2.3 and I could double click on a .jrxml file from the Windows Explorer and lauch iReports.


After installing 1.2.7, I got the error. I uninstalled both versions. After rebooting I checked the registry. There were several references to iReports 1.2.3 left, which I didn't remove.


I installed iReports 1.2.7, there were no such references to iReports 1.2.7. It appears the Windows installer no longer adds the necessary registry entries. I even tried modifying all references in the registry from iReports 1.2.3 to 1.2.7, but still get the error.


Is it possible that the executable for 1.2.3 changed directories to the .exe directory before proceeding and now it no longer does?


Any suggestions on getting iReport's file association back?

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Unfortunately, that doesn't work either. The batch file returns the following:


The system cannot find the path specified.

'startup.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.


Again, a problem with the working directory not being the default ("C:/Program Files/JasperSoft/iReport-1.2.7").


I 'tweaked' it to change to the actual install directory, but then you have an Command Window open for the duration of the iReport session.


Apparently the 1.2.3 executable did something different in order to work properly. Any chance of getting source to iReport.exe for 1.2.3 and 1.2.7 to determine the difference?


Post edited by: ernie, at: 2006/10/17 18:41

Post edited by: ernie, at: 2006/10/17 18:42

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I downloaded the JSmooth package and experimented. I noticed that iReports 1.2.3 had all jars in the lib directory listed in it's "etc/ireport.jsmooth" file, and that was not the case with iReports 1.2.7 "etc/ireport.jsmooth" file.


I added all the jar files in iReports 1.2.7 lib directory to it's "etc/ireport.jsmooth" file and rebuilt the executable. This seems to have done the trick in a way. The problem seems to be that if you launch the executable directly, iReports hangs at the "Loading Plugins" phase. If you double click on a .jrxml file, it loads properly.


Maybe someone more familiar with the JSmooth/iReport build can find a solution :whistle:

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