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Need help displaying object information

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By: Carole Song - miyu76

Need help displaying object information

2002-10-28 12:07

I am working with java servlets and was wondering if there was a way to pass in specific objects outside of my main query results and call their methods.


would it be possible to set my object as a parameter? I have tried to perform this action but have the following result in my report:




when declaring this:


<parameter name="TheObject" class="inetcourier.MyObject"/>


<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">"($P{TheObject}).getName()"</textFieldExpression>


Am I attempting to do something that is unsupported or illegal? If someone could tell point me in the right direction, that would be great!







By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Need help displaying object information

2002-10-28 13:04




The correct expression is:


<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">$P{TheObject}.getName()</textFieldExpression>


Remove the extra quotes.


Good luck!





By: Carole Song - miyu76

RE: Need help displaying object information

2002-10-29 07:10

Thanks for the syntax correction =)


I actually have another problem and I don't see where I can go to fix it. inetcourier.MyObject extends a class called the PersistentObject, which is from a jar called the persistence layer. When I attempt to compile my work, i now get this error:


dori.jasper.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report design:

D:Projectsinetcouriertempshowmanifest.java:0: Class pl.PersistentObject not found in class inetcourier.MyObject.



1 error


at dori.jasper.engine.design.JRCompiler.compileReport(JRCompiler.java:145)


I am assuming that this error is occuring because jasper is unable to find the pl.jar. How do I set up Jasper so that it will be able to reference this library?


Thanks for your help!





By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Need help displaying object information

2002-10-29 12:47




Here are the details about how to setup the

classpath for report design compilation.




You can check the "webapp" sample to see it done.


I hope this helps.





By: Carole Song - miyu76

RE: Need help displaying object information

2002-10-29 13:37

that worked great! I just appended the jars I needed to what was already there on the classpath.


Thanks a bunch for your help!



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