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Custom UserAuth - No forwarding to MainPage


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I implemented an authenticationprovider and an authentication service.

The provider basically ignores all authentication checks as a first step and the service generates a user with predefined roles from the request. So far so good, the jasper server now accepts the login, also it writes that the user is authenticated but the forward to the main page still does not work, it still is stuck in the login page.


The affect server log says:


WARN LoggerListener,http-8080-Processor25:55 - Authentication event InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent: lexow; details: org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@fffc7f0c: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: 9C0EB6BDE4FB115FFE87811F5BADD8BA

16:30:05,238 WARN UserAuthorityServiceImpl,http-8080-Processor25:500 - Added following external roles to: lexow




16:30:05,247 WARN UserAuthorityServiceImpl,http-8080-Processor25:536 - Updated user: lexow. Roles are now:





16:30:05,292 WARN UserAuthorityServiceImpl,http-8080-Processor25:542 - Updated user: lexow. Roles are now:






Well as it seems the server accepts the authentication for the foreign datasources now, but does not do anything afterwards.


Is it possible that i forgot to change something in the config-files?


Attached are the two source files, the authentication provider and the user

DetailService: (packed zip file due to upload restrictions)


thx for every advice!

[file name=provider-075fed1dfead4ed37e5c8139b07e342f.zip size=3041]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/provider-075fed1dfead4ed37e5c8139b07e342f.zip[/file]

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Did you ever get this working.. I am having the same issue.. I am getting the username and password (using JAAS) on to the login page.. but not going to the mainpage... Please let me know what did you do...

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