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iReport: Visual design tool for JasperReports

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By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

iReport: Visual design tool for JasperReports

2002-10-10 01:50


I have released the first version of a new visual design tool for JasperReports XML design files for Win32 platforms.


The project page is:









By: Antonio Ruggiero - coccorito

RE: iReport: Visual design tool for JasperReports

2002-10-10 05:22


Vedo che sei italiano come me :D

Una domanda, la parte grafica l'hai creata in Visual J++ ? I form si possono creare in modo facile come in Visual Basic o hai dovuto scrivere il codice a mano ?

CMQ veniamo al problema..

Mi appare un errore quando cerco di creare un nuovo report in XML, mi dice esattamente


java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com/ms/wfc/ui/ImageList: method setColorDepth(I)V not found

at com/businesslogic/ireport/ui/ReportForm.initForm

at com/businesslogic/ireport/ui/ReportForm.<init>

at com/businesslogic/ireport/MainForm.menuItem2_click

at com/ms/wfc/core/EventHandler.invoke

at com/ms/wfc/ui/MenuItem.onClick

at com/ms/wfc/ui/MenuItem$MenuItemData.execute

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Command.invoke

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Command.dispatchID

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.wmCommand

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Form.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control$ControlWindow.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/app/Window.callback

at com/ms/wfc/win32/Windows.DispatchMessage

at com/ms/wfc/app/Application$ThreadContext.runMessageLoop

at com/ms/wfc/app/Application.run

at com/businesslogic/ireport/MainForm.main



By: Antonio Ruggiero - coccorito

RE: iReport: Visual design tool for JasperReports

2002-10-10 05:26


Vedo che sei italiano come me :D

Una domanda, la parte grafica l'hai creata in Visual J++ ? I form si possono creare in modo facile come in Visual Basic o hai dovuto scrivere il codice a mano ?

CMQ veniamo al problema..

Mi appare un errore quando cerco di creare un nuovo report in XML, mi dice esattamente


java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com/ms/wfc/ui/ImageList: method setColorDepth(I)V not found

at com/businesslogic/ireport/ui/ReportForm.initForm

at com/businesslogic/ireport/ui/ReportForm.<init>

at com/businesslogic/ireport/MainForm.menuItem2_click

at com/ms/wfc/core/EventHandler.invoke

at com/ms/wfc/ui/MenuItem.onClick

at com/ms/wfc/ui/MenuItem$MenuItemData.execute

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Command.invoke

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Command.dispatchID

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.wmCommand

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Form.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control$ControlWindow.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/app/Window.callback

at com/ms/wfc/win32/Windows.DispatchMessage

at com/ms/wfc/app/Application$ThreadContext.runMessageLoop

at com/ms/wfc/app/Application.run

at com/businesslogic/ireport/MainForm.main



By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: iReport: Visual design tool for JasperReports

2002-10-10 09:21

Dovresti scrivere sulla lista di iReport.


Prova ad aggiornare la JVM di Microsoft

Io uso la 5.00.3802 (credo l'ultima)



(For non italian people)


You must write on iReport discussion forum.

Try to update the MS JVM to the last version





By: Antonio Ruggiero - coccorito

RE: iReport: Visual design tool for JasperReports

2002-10-11 00:07

Ti ringrazio se ho altri problemi ti faccio sapere sul forum di iReport..

Grazie ancora :D





By: Alex Parfenov - aparfeno

RE: iReport: Visual design tool for JasperReports

2002-10-13 04:59

Why J++????????????? What a poor choice of a platform!



By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: iReport: Visual design tool for JasperReports

2002-10-13 12:27

VisualJ++ is a windows oriented programming language based on java. iReport is a program for win32. The question is why not VisualC++. The answer is: because using VisualJ++ I can interface to database using native JDBC. iReport is not born to be portable, but is born to be useful and efficient.

In VisualJ++ java is only a syntax convention, I know this.







By: Alex Parfenov - aparfeno

RE: iReport: Visual design tool for JasperRep

2002-10-14 09:44


First of all, I did not mean to jump at you for your decisions - sorry about that.

My question was actually - why not JDK 1.3?

By using MS JVM you are basically using mostly outdated java 1.1 full of MS bugs. Second of all, you are loosing an important integration advantage of executing Jasper Reports during design session to generate previews or run actual reports. Why are you only targeting Win32? What if someone would like to imbed your editor in an applet or use it on Linux?

Technically you are using Java, so why not use the latest greatest and most convinient JDK 1.3 (or 1.4)?

I have developed and managed host of J++ projects in the past and I would never use or recommend for anyone to use this ill-concieved joke of a programming language.




By: Nathan W. Phelps - nphelps

RE: iReport: Visual design tool for JasperRep

2002-10-14 09:52

Let me (a random person) jump in here. While I do think that using J++ is a bit odd, I've been looking for a native Win32 Jasper designer. I have tried JasperEdit, JasperDesigner and the one for Eclipse all unsatisfactory. My company has a "no Java on the client side" policy as well. So the fact that this thing is in J++ could help me out. I just downloaded the source and ran it through the Visual Studio .NET J# upgrade wizard which ran into very few problems. In other words, with a bit of work I can get this thing running on pure .NET using J#. That is pretty cool, and just may get me where I need to go!



By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: iReport: Visual design tool for JasperReports

2002-10-14 10:28

Ciao Alex.


I'm releasing 0.0.2 version. It include a module to compile and preview as pdf what you see calling java as external command. It's not elegant, but work fine (it's only a bit slow).




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