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UI in iReports 1.2.0 is mostly disfunctional

2006 IR Open Discussion

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By: Neil Lamka - neil_lamka

UI in iReports 1.2.0 is mostly disfunctional

2006-04-18 16:06

I've found several problems with the UI in iReports 1.2.0. The version of code I'm running is the current form CVS and that does not appear to be the same as 1.2.1.


The issues include

1) Making changes using the element properties panel do not seem to stick. I've made the same text change multiple times. The item seems to take but if you save the file (without exiting iReports) the change is lost. I've finally had to resort to exiting iReports and hand editing some fields with a text editor


2) For some reason, selecting an item and trying to move it using the cursor keys works for a time and then just stops


3) Changing the heigh/width or position properties using the fields in the Element properties panel just stops working. If you bring up the old Element properties screen you can make the changes and they work


4) Going to the View bands panel causes all kinds of problems. It seems to randomly set the band height to zero for some bands and deletes the band Print When expression


I have other problems but these are the major ones.


I'm running on Win/XP SP2 using the Sun jdk 1.5.0_06 if that helps.


Anyone know of any fixes for these items? At the moment I've had to drop back to iReports 0.2.2/Jasperreports 0.5.0 as the last stable version that I have.


Any pointers or help would be helpful.



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