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Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

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By: Edward V. Berard - edberard

Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

2005-05-25 07:14

I am using a default report template ("Classic").


When I compile, I get a JRVerifier warning message: "Element Bottom Reaches Outside of

Band Area: y=0 height=1 band-height=0"


Ignoring this warning does not seem to cause

problems, but I am still bothered by it. Can I fix

the problem, and if so, how?


-- Ed



By: Edward V. Berard - edberard

RE: Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

2005-05-26 06:09



All the following comments relate to iReport 0.5.0.


1. In the "Document Structure" window, none of

the "line elements" are red.


All of the staticText elements are blue.


All of the textField elements are red.


All of the "line elements" are black.


2. In the "report template" window for the

same report:


The handles (the little solid color squares) on

some elements are blue.


The handles on some elements are green.


I can make the handles on some elements

go red, but none of them are red at present.


3. There does not seem to be a connection

between the colors of the elements in the

"Document Structure" window and the

colors of the handles in the report template


4. If an element in the report template has red

handles, it seems that I can make it

not red.


However, in almost all other situations, it

appears virtually impossible to cause the

color of the handles to change, e.g., once

the handles are green, they stay green

regardless of re-sizing and/or re-positioning.


Thank you for any time and consideration.


-- Ed




By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

2005-05-26 07:31

Be sure that all lines have:




Top <= band_height-1






By: Edward V. Berard - edberard

RE: Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

2005-05-26 09:37

All references are to iReport 0.5.0. I also used the

"Classic" template that comes with iReport.


One of the "line elements" is at the top of the "Title Band." The height of the Title Band, according to

iReport, is 50 pixels. (I used the "Bands" tool to

get the height of the Title Band.)


I then double clicked on the line element, and set

its values to those you suggested, i.e.,




Top<=(Band_Height-1), i.e., Top can take on

any integer value <49



(I would guess that 0<=Top<=49, given a band

height of 50.)


When the Width went above 552, with the Left

equal to 0, the line turned red.


I played with several different values for Top, ranging from zero to 100. Any value above 50

made the line element red, but a value of 50

apparently was acceptable.


Looking at the rest of the characteristics displayed under the "Common" tab:


-> Only the "Print Repeated Values" checkbox

was checked.


-> The "Position Type" was "FixRelativeToTop"


-> "Print When Group Changes" was unselected


-> "Key" had a value of "line"


-> "Stretch Type" was set to "NoStretch"


-> The "Print When Expression" field was



Under the "Graphics Element" tab:


-> "Pen" was set to "2Point"


-> "Fill" was set to "Solid"


Under the "Line" tab, "Line Direction" was set to



Under the "All" tab:


-> "Band" was not selected


-> "Top" had a value of 40


-> "Left" had a value of 30


-> "Height" had a value of 0


-> "Width" had a value of 0


-> "Print When Group Change" was not



Going back to the "Common" tab, I set Left=0,

Width=552, Top=0, and Height=0, and then

recompiled. I still got the compiler warning.


I should also note that all line elements in the

report template turned red whenever




Likewise, it appears that whenever Top+Height is

greater than the height of the band, the line object

will turn red.


I have a question. Could this problem be arising from report elements that are not lines?


Thank you for all your time, effort, and consideration.


-- Ed



By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

2005-05-26 16:31

Yes, wrong positioned element can be different from a line





By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

2005-05-25 16:26


this error is produced by a line located in a wrong position. Find it using the document structure panel, you should see the Line element in red.






By: israelrojas - israelrojas

RE: Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

2006-03-01 19:57

Copy the tools.jar file from your JDK_HOME/lib directory into the lib directory of the JasperReports project.

Post edited by: tcloonan, at: 2006/09/02 10:29

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