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Jaspersoft Studio community edition 6.21.2


All package files for this release

Jaspersoft® Studio enables you to create highly formatted, pixel-perfect designed reports and data visualizations that meet any requirements and can pull from the widest selection of data sources. Whatever you create can be customized to support specific business requirements, re-used and easily published for distribution. The extensible architecture also allows developers to tap into libraries and functionality from third-party software.

Jaspersoft Studio 6.21.2 is available under a BSD-type license.

Change Log (2024-02-14)
-- Hyperlink interactivity for reports in dashboard;
-- Added new AdHoc component;
-- Google Map component improvements;
-- RCP version is now based on the Eclipse 4.29 platform;
-- Updated the bundled JRE to Adoptium Temurin OpenJDK (ex Adopt OpenJDK);
-- Added FastExcel-Reader library (version 0.15.6) to support the new Excel datasource implementation;
-- Full support for JasperReports® Library;
-- Release notes


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