GovCloud Instances

This section describes the processes for creating a JasperReports Server BYOL instance or cluster inside a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on GovCloud. GovCloud instances are displayed when the user selects the JasperReports Server BYOL offering.

To create a new Gov Cloud instance in a VPC

1. On the AWS Marketplace page, under the Get started section, click Manage subscriptions. Manage subscriptions page appears.
2. Select a Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (BYOL) subscription. Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (BYOL) page appears.
3. Under Actions, select Launch CloudFormation stack.
4. On the Configure this Software page, under the Fulfillment option, select CloudFormation Template from the first dropdown list.
5. From the second dropdown list, select the BYOL Jaspersoft Stack VPC deployment for Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (BYOL).
6. Select the software version and under region, select either AWS GOVCloud(US) East or AWS GOVCloud(US) West, then click Continue to Launch.
7. On Launch this software page, from Choose Action, select Launch CloudFormation and then click Launch. AWS GovCloud(US) sign-in page opens. This page appears if a user is not logged in to the GovCloud account.

Figure 8: AWS GovCloud(US) sign-in page

8. To sign in as an IAM user, enter Account ID, IAM username, and password and then click Sign-in.
9. On the Create stack page, under Specify template, the Amazon S3 URL option is already selected and a URL for the template file is filled in. Do not change these options.
10. Click Next. The Specify stack details page appears.
11. In the Stack name field, give your CloudFormation stack a unique name.
12. Choose an InstanceType.
13. Choose the KeyPairName of your EC2 KeyPair.
14. Choose the VpcId from your account.
15. Choose the SubnetId from the VPC.
16. Choose whether to create a publicly accessible IP address for the instance using EnablePublicIp. Default is True. Select False to refuse.
17. In the RemoteAccessCIDR field, enter the IP address and mask for SSH access.
18. Click Next. The Configure stack options page appears.
19. In the Stack failure options section, select Preserve successfully provisioned resources.
20. Click Next. The Review page appears.
21. Double-check your template, parameter, and option information.
22. Click the acknowledgment checkbox, then click Create Stack. You can see a message telling you your stack has been created. The Services web page shows your stack's initial status as CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. It generally takes two to four minutes for the status to change to CREATE_COMPLETE.
23. Select your complete instance and click the Outputs tab. Here you can find information you can need when you are ready to log into JasperReports Server:
The URL for Getting Started with JasperReports Server.
The name of your instance.
The login name and password.
The name of your S3LicenseBucket.

To create a new Gov Cloud cluster in a VPC

1. On the AWS Marketplace page, under the Get started section, click Manage subscriptions to manage your subscriptions.
2. Select a Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (BYOL) subscription. Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (BYOL) page appears.
3. Under Actions, select Launch CloudFormation stack.
4. On the Configure this Software page, under the Fulfillment option, select CloudFormation Template from the first dropdown list.
5. From the second dropdown list, select the Jaspersoft BYOL Cluster for Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (BYOL).
6. Select the software version and under region, select either AWS GOVCloud(US) East or AWS GOVCloud(US) West, then click Continue to Launch.
7. On Launch this software page, under Choose Action, select the Launch CloudFormation and then click Launch. AWS GovCloud(US) sign-in page opens. This page appears if a user is not logged in to the GovCloud account.
8. To sign in as an IAM user, enter Account ID, IAM username, and password and then click Sign-in.
9. On the Create stack page, under Specify template, the Amazon S3 URL option is already selected and a URL for the template file is filled in. Do not change these options.
10. Click Next. The Specify stack details page appears.
11. In the Stack name field, give your CloudFormation stack a unique name.
12. Enter the host name of your database connection in DBHost, the database port number in DBPort, and the database name in DBName.
13. Enter the database username in the DBUser field and the database password in DBPassword.
14. Enter the Id of your existing RDSSecurityGroup in the RDSSecurityGroupId field.
15. Choose an InstanceType.
16. Choose the KeyPairName of your EC2 KeyPair.
17. Choose the VpcId from your account.
18. Choose the SubnetId from the VPC.
19. Choose whether to create a publicly accessible IP address for the instance using EnablePublicIp. Default is True. Select False to refuse.
20. In the RemoteAccessCIDR field, enter the IP address and mask for SSH access.
21. Click Next. The Configure stack options page appears.
22. In the Stack failure options section, select Preserve successfully provisioned resources.
23. Click Next. The Review page appears.
24. Double-check your template, parameter, and option information.
25. Click the acknowledgment checkbox, then click Create Stack. You can see a message telling you your stack has been created. The Services web page shows your stack's initial status as CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. It generally takes two to four minutes for the status to change to CREATE_COMPLETE.
26. Select your complete instance and click the Outputs tab. Here you can find information you can need when you are ready to log into JasperReports Server:
The URL for Getting Started with JasperReports Server.
The name of your instance.
The login name and password.
The name of your S3LicenseBucket.