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  • This documentation is an older version of Jaspersoft for Amazon Web Services (AWS). View the latest documentation.

    Before you begin this process, make sure you have a valid key pair. If you do not have one, follow the instructions on the AWS documentation site: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/gettingstarted/latest/wah/getting-started-create-key-pair.html.


    The procedures in this section work for both Professional and Enterprise AMIs.

    Creating a JasperReports Server Instance

    A stack is a collection of AWS resources you create and delete as a single unit. Our CloudFormation template will create the following:

    IAM role with permissions on RDS and Redshift
    EC2 instance with JasperReports Server installed and configured and using this role in order to have appropriate credentials.

    To create a new JasperReports Server instance:

    1. Navigate to the URL for your region.

    If you are using AWS hourly, choose from among the following links:


    AWS Hourly URL

    US East (N. Virginia)


    US West (Oregon)


    US West (N. California)


    EU (Ireland)


    Asia Pacific (Singapore)


    Asia Pacific (Tokyo)


    Asia Pacific (Sydney)


    South America (São Paulo)


    If you are using BYOL, choose from among the following links:



    US East (N. Virginia)


    US West (Oregon)


    US West (N. California)


    EU (Ireland)


    Asia Pacific (Singapore)


    Asia Pacific (Tokyo)


    Asia Pacific (Sydney)


    South America (São Paulo)


    The Create Stack - Select Template dialog appears.

    Create Stack - Select Template Window


    2. In the Create Stack - Select Template dialog:
    a. Give your CloudFormation stack a unique name.
    b. By default, AWS provides a stack template source URL. Do not change this selection.
    3. Click Continue. The Create Stack - Specify Parameters window appears.

    Create Stack - Specify Parameters Window


    4. In the Create Stack - Specify Parameters window:
    a. Enter an existing key pair name.
    b. The Instance Type defaults to m1.large. You can choose from any of the supported instance types:

    If you want to change the instance type, copy and paste from the description to the Instance Type field.

    For more information about EC2 instance types, see the AWS documentation:


    c. Check the box to acknowledge that the template can create IAM (Identity and Access Management) resources.

    Checking the box is mandatory for creating this stack.

    5. Click Continue. The Create Stack - Add Tags window appears.

    Create Stack - Add Tags Window


    6. In the Create Stack - Add Tags window add any tags you want to simplify administration of your infrastructure.

    A tag consists of a key/value pair and will flow to resources inside your stack. You can add up to 10 unique keys to each instance, along with an optional value for each key.

    7. Click Continue. The Create Stack - Review window appears.

    Create Stack - Review Window


    Double-check your information and parameters.

    8. Click Continue.

    A message appears telling you that your stack has been created. On the Services web page, your stack probably says “CREATE_IN_PROGRESS”. It generally takes two to four minutes for the status to change to “CREATE_COMPLETE”.




    It can still take another few minutes for the JasperReports Server URL to become available after the stack shows create_complete. If you get a message saying “Unable to Connect”, try again in a few minutes.

    9. Select your new instance once its status is create_complete, and then click the Outputs tab.

    Your URLs for Getting Started and for logging in to Jaspersoft appear.

    Outputs Tab Showing Getting Started and Login URLs


    Creating a JasperReports Server Instance from the EC2 Console

    If you have a complex network topology, special volume requirements, or if your instance needs to be in VPC, you might need to create your instance from the EC2 Console.

    Before you can create a JasperReports Server instance from the EC2 console, you need to create a CloudFormation role. If you skip this step, when you get to the Welcome screen, you will see the following error message:

    Missing Role Error Message


    To create a CloudFormation role:

    1. Sign in with your AWS account.
    2. Navigate to: http://www.jaspersoft.com/jrs-create-role.

    The Create Stack - Select Template dialog appears.

    Create Stack - Select Template Window


    3. In the Create Stack - Select Template dialog:
    a. Give your CloudFormation stack a unique name.
    b. By default, AWS provides a stack template source URL. Do not change this selection.
    4. Click Continue. The Create Stack - Specify Parameters window appears.

    Create-Stack - Specify Parameters Window


    In the Create Stack - Specify Parameters window check the box to acknowledge that the template can create IAM (Identity and Access Management) resources. Checking the box is mandatory.

    Be sure to select the correct AMI (hourly or BYOL).

    5. Click Continue. The Create Stack - Add Tags window appears.

    Create Stack - Add Tags Window


    6. In the Create Stack - Add Tags window add any tags you want to simplify administration of your infrastructure.

    A tag consists of a key/value pair and will flow to resources inside your stack. You can add up to 10 unique keys to each stack along with an optional value for each key.

    7. Click Continue. The Create Stack - Review window appears.

    Create Stack - Review Window


    Double-check your information and parameters.

    8. Click Continue. A window appears to say your stack is being created.

    “Being Created” Message


    9. Click Close. The CloudFormation Stacks page appears. Your new stack will say CREATE_IN_PROGRESS until it is finished being created and CREATE_COMPLETE once it is ready to be used.



    10. Click the Outputs tab.

    Outputs Tab Showing RoleName and Description


    You see the RoleName for the stack you created. Note the value carefully, because you need it in the next procedure.

    To create a JasperReports Server instance from the EC2 console:

    1. Navigate to: http://aws.amazon.com/console/.
    2. Sign in with your AWS account.
    3. Go to Services > EC2.

    The Resources screen appears.

    4. On the left, click Images > AMIs.

    Make sure that the All Images option is selected.

    5. Enter Jaspersoft BI Professional for AWS in the Search box.
    6. Select the AMI Jaspersoft BI Professional for AWS Hourly or the AMI Jaspersoft BI Professional for BYOL and click the Launch button.


    Make sure you select the correct AMI for you license: Hourly or BYOL

    The Request Instances wizard opens.

    Request Instances Wizard


    7. Use the drop-down to choose an Instance Type.

    Instance Type Drop-Down


    Supported instance types are:

         Standard Medium (m1.medium)
         Standard Large (m1.large)
         Standard XL (m1.xlarge)
         High-Memory XL (m2.xlarge)
         High-Memory 2XL (m2.2xlarge)
         High-Memory 4XL (m2.4xlarge)
         High-CPU XL (c1.xlarge)

    If you choose an unsupported instance type, you receive an error message. Just click the drop-down again and choose one of the supported options.

    8. Choose whether you are using EC2 or VPC.
    a. If you are using EC2, select your Availability Zone.
    b. If you are using VPC, select your Subnet.
    9. Click Continue.

    The Advanced Instance Options window appears.

    Advanced Instance Options


    10. Click the IAM Role drop-down, and choose the role you created in the previous procedure.
    11. Click Continue.

    The Storage Device Configuration window appears.

    Storage Device Configuration


    12. If you want to make any changes, click the Edit button. You can add or make changes to EBS and instance store volumes or edit the settings of your root volume.
    13. Click Continue.

    Add any tags you want to simplify administration of your infrastructure.

    A tag consists of a key/value pair and will flow to resources inside your stack. You can add up to 10 unique keys to each instance, along with an optional value for each key.

    14. Click Continue.

    The Create Key Pair window appears.

    Create Key Pair


    15. In the Create Key Pair window you can:
         Choose from your existing key pairs.
         Create a new key pair.
         Choose to proceed without a key pair.

    If you choose not to install a key pair on your instance, you will not be able to connect to the instance.

    16. Click Continue.

    The Configure Firewall window appears.

    Configure Firewall


    17. Choose an existing security group or create a new security group.


    We set up one AWS DB Security Group (using IP address) in each RDS region, per JasperReports Server instance. The security group allows connections from the specific JRS instance to the specified AWS database instance.

    18. Click Continue. The Review window appears.



    Double-check your information and parameters.

    19. Click Launch.

    You will see a message telling you that your instance is now launching.

    Launching Message


    Your instances may take a few minutes to launch, depending on the software you are running.


    Usage hours on your new instances will start immediately and continue to accrue until you stop or terminate your instances.

    20. Click Close.

    Logging in to JasperReports Server

    When logging in to JasperReports Server you must use the URL as shown in the figure “Outputs Tab Showing Getting Started and Login URLs”.

    The initial user is superuser and password is superuser. You must change the password in order to log in.

    To log in to JasperReports Server the first time:

    1. Click the GettingStartedURL link in your Outputs tab.

    The Welcome page appears. Figure 1-22 shows the Hourly Welcome page and Figure 1-23 shows the BYOL Welcome Page.

    Hourly Welcome Page


    BYOL Welcome Page


    2. On the Welcome page:
    a. If you have AWS Hourly, click the Get Support button to register to connect to the e-store. There you can get an iReport license and a free license for the Online Support Portal.
    b. If you have AWS BYOL, click the Go to Support Portal button. Connect to the Jaspersoft Support Portal and log in to get your license. For instructions on uploading your license, see Applying a License for Jaspersoft for AWS BYOL.
    c. Click the Explore Resources button to visit the Community site.
    d. Click the Get Started button to watch a short video that shows you how to quickly connect to your AWS data sources.
    e. Click the Login button.

    The Welcome to Jaspersoft window appears.

    Login Screen


    If you are using BYOL, you have a 48-hour license to start. The Welcome page will include a reminder of when your license is set to expire and offer slightly different Getting Started links.

    License Expiration Notice


    BYOL Getting Started Links


    Before you click the Login button on this page:


    The initial password for superuser is superuser, but it is pre-configured to be expired. You must change the password before your first login.

    1. Enter the User ID superuser and password superuser.

    If you are using BYOL, replace the default User ID of BYOL with superuser.

    2. Click Change password.
    3. Set the new password to any password you will remember.

    Change Password


    4. Now, click the Login button.

    The Home screen appears.

    Home Screen



    If you use PostgreSQL as your database, note that not all PostgreSQL-supported functions will work with Redshift. See the Redshift documentation for details about supported functions.

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