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How to use DB2 DATABASE


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Yes, DB2 is supported and "certified" as part of the Commercial version. "Certified" means that the QA department runs through all the testing, etc.

JasperServer is database "agnostic", but you just need to get the datasource configurations setup right and you need to create a DB2 version of the SQL script that will create the jasperserver database.

I will attach some of the general config files that help build the DB2 database. I know that there are other users who are using DB2 - so you might try searching the forums to see if anyone has any scripts already set up.

It would be good to create a DB2 project on the forge so that all the info can be collected in one place!




Post Edited by tkavanagh at 06/08/2011 03:58

js.drop = DROP DATABASE ${js.dbName}sugarcrm.drop = DROP DATABASE ${sugarcrm.dbName}foodmart.drop = DROP DATABASE ${foodmart.dbName}js.create = CREATE DATABASE ${js.dbName} USING CODESET UTF-8 TERRITORY USsugarcrm.create = CREATE DATABASE ${sugarcrm.dbName}foodmart.create = CREATE DATABASE ${foodmart.dbName}

Post Edited by tkavanagh at 06/08/2011 03:59
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And the DB script:

    create table JIAccessEvent (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        user_id bigint not null,        event_date timestamp not null,        resource_id bigint not null,        updating smallint not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIAdhocChartMeasure (        id bigint not null,        name varchar(255) not null,        label varchar(255),        width integer,        jiFunction varchar(255),        type varchar(255),        mask varchar(255),        functionMask varchar(255),        idx integer not null,        primary key (id, idx)    );    create table JIAdhocColumn (        id bigint not null,        name varchar(255) not null,        label varchar(255),        width integer,        jiFunction varchar(255),        type varchar(255),        mask varchar(255),        functionMask varchar(255),        idx integer not null,        primary key (id, idx)    );    create table JIAdhocGroup (        id bigint not null,        name varchar(255) not null,        label varchar(255),        type varchar(255),        mask varchar(255),        idx integer not null,        primary key (id, idx)    );    create table JIAdhocReportUnit (        id bigint not null,        adhocStateId bigint,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIAdhocState (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        type varchar(255) not null,        theme varchar(255),        title varchar(255),        pageOrientation varchar(255),        paperSize varchar(255),        maxRows integer,        summaryLabel varchar(255),        group_name varchar(255),        group_label varchar(255),        group_type varchar(255),        group_mask varchar(255),        primary key (id)    );    create table JIAdhocStateProperty (        state_id bigint not null,        value varchar(1000),        name varchar(100) not null,        primary key (state_id, name)    );    create table JIAdhocTableSortField (        id bigint not null,        fieldName varchar(255) not null,        ascending smallint,        idx integer not null,        primary key (id, idx)    );    create table JIAdhocXTabColumnGroup (        id bigint not null,        name varchar(255) not null,        label varchar(255),        type varchar(255),        categorizer varchar(1000),        fieldName varchar(255),        fieldType varchar(255),        idx integer not null,        primary key (id, idx)    );    create table JIAdhocXTabMeasure (        id bigint not null,        name varchar(255) not null,        label varchar(255),        width integer,        jiFunction varchar(255),        type varchar(255),        mask varchar(255),        functionMask varchar(255),        idx integer not null,        primary key (id, idx)    );    create table JIAdhocXTabRowGroup (        id bigint not null,        name varchar(255) not null,        label varchar(255),        type varchar(255),        categorizer varchar(1000),        fieldName varchar(255),        fieldType varchar(255),        idx integer not null,        primary key (id, idx)    );    create table JIAuditEvent (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        username varchar(100),        tenant_id varchar(100),        event_date timestamp not null,        resource_uri varchar(250),        resource_type varchar(250),        event_type varchar(100) not null,        request_type varchar(100) not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIAuditEventArchive (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        username varchar(100),        tenant_id varchar(100),        event_date timestamp not null,        resource_uri varchar(250),        resource_type varchar(250),        event_type varchar(100) not null,        request_type varchar(100) not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIAuditEventProperty (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        property_type varchar(100) not null,        value varchar(250),        clob_value clob(400000),        audit_event_id bigint not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIAuditEventPropertyArchive (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        property_type varchar(100) not null,        value varchar(250),        clob_value clob(400000),        audit_event_id bigint not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIBeanDatasource (        id bigint not null,        beanName varchar(100) not null,        beanMethod varchar(100),        primary key (id)    );    create table JIContentResource (        id bigint not null,        data blob(20971520),        file_type varchar(20),        primary key (id)    );    create table JICustomDatasource (        id bigint not null,        serviceClass varchar(250) not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JICustomDatasourceProperty (        ds_id bigint not null,        value varchar(1000),        name varchar(100) not null,        primary key (ds_id, name)    );    create table JIDashboard (        id bigint not null,        adhocStateId bigint,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIDashboardFrameProperty (        id bigint not null,        frameName varchar(255) not null,        frameClassName varchar(255) not null,        propertyName varchar(255) not null,        propertyValue varchar(1000),        idx integer not null,        primary key (id, idx)    );    create table JIDashboardResource (        dashboard_id bigint not null,        resource_id bigint not null,        resource_index integer not null,        primary key (dashboard_id, resource_index)    );    create table JIDataDefinerUnit (        id bigint not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIDataType (        id bigint not null,        type smallint,        maxLength integer,        decimals integer,        regularExpr varchar(255),        minValue varchar(255) for bit data,        maxValue varchar(255) for bit data,        strictMin smallint,        strictMax smallint,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIDomainDatasource (        id bigint not null,        schema_id bigint not null,        security_id bigint,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIDomainDatasourceBundle (        slds_id bigint not null,        locale varchar(20),        bundle_id bigint not null,        idx integer not null,        primary key (slds_id, idx)    );    create table JIDomainDatasourceDSRef (        slds_id bigint not null,        ref_id bigint not null,        alias varchar(100) not null,        primary key (slds_id, alias)    );    create table JIFileResource (        id bigint not null,        data blob(20971520),        file_type varchar(20),        reference bigint,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIInputControl (        id bigint not null,        type smallint,        mandatory smallint,        readOnly smallint,        visible smallint,        data_type bigint,        list_of_values bigint,        list_query bigint,        query_value_column varchar(200),        defaultValue varchar(255) for bit data,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIInputControlQueryColumn (        input_control_id bigint not null,        query_column varchar(200) not null,        column_index integer not null,        primary key (input_control_id, column_index)    );    create table JIJNDIJdbcDatasource (        id bigint not null,        jndiName varchar(100) not null,        timezone varchar(100),        primary key (id)    );    create table JIJdbcDatasource (        id bigint not null,        driver varchar(100) not null,        password varchar(100),        connectionUrl varchar(500),        username varchar(100),        timezone varchar(100),        primary key (id)    );    create table JIListOfValues (        id bigint not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIListOfValuesItem (        id bigint not null,        label varchar(255),        value varchar(255) for bit data,        idx integer not null,        primary key (id, idx)    );    create table JILogEvent (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        occurrence_date timestamp not null,        event_type smallint not null,        component varchar(100),        message varchar(250) not null,        resource_uri varchar(250),        event_text clob(400000),        event_data blob(1048576),        event_state smallint,        userId bigint,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIMondrianConnection (        id bigint not null,        reportDataSource bigint,        mondrianSchema bigint,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIMondrianConnectionGrant (        mondrianConnectionId bigint not null,        accessGrant bigint not null,        grantIndex integer not null,        primary key (mondrianConnectionId, grantIndex)    );    create table JIMondrianXMLADefinition (        id bigint not null,        catalog varchar(100) not null,        mondrianConnection bigint,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIObjectPermission (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        uri varchar(250) not null,        recipientobjectclass varchar(250),        recipientobjectid bigint,        permissionMask integer not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIOlapClientConnection (        id bigint not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIOlapUnit (        id bigint not null,        olapClientConnection bigint,        mdx_query varchar(3600) not null,        view_options blob(20971520),        primary key (id)    );    create table JIProfileAttribute (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        attrName varchar(255) not null,        attrValue varchar(255) not null,        principalobjectclass varchar(255) not null,        principalobjectid bigint not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIQuery (        id bigint not null,        dataSource bigint,        query_language varchar(40) not null,        sql_query varchar(3600) not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIReportJob (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        version integer not null,        owner bigint not null,        label varchar(100) not null,        description varchar(2000),        report_unit_uri varchar(250) not null,        job_trigger bigint not null,        base_output_name varchar(100) not null,        output_locale varchar(20),        content_destination bigint,        mail_notification bigint,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIReportJobCalendarTrigger (        id bigint not null,        minutes varchar(200) not null,        hours varchar(80) not null,        days_type smallint not null,        week_days varchar(20),        month_days varchar(100),        months varchar(40) not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIReportJobMail (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        version integer not null,        subject varchar(100) not null,        message varchar(2000),        send_type smallint not null,        skip_empty smallint not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIReportJobMailRecipient (        destination_id bigint not null,        recipient_type smallint not null,        address varchar(100) not null,        recipient_idx integer not null,        primary key (destination_id, recipient_idx)    );    create table JIReportJobOutputFormat (        report_job_id bigint not null,        output_format smallint not null,        primary key (report_job_id, output_format)    );    create table JIReportJobParameter (        job_id bigint not null,        parameter_value varchar(1000) for bit data,        parameter_name varchar(100) not null,        primary key (job_id, parameter_name)    );    create table JIReportJobRepoDest (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        version integer not null,        folder_uri varchar(250) not null,        sequential_filenames smallint not null,        overwrite_files smallint not null,        output_description varchar(250),        timestamp_pattern varchar(250),        primary key (id)    );    create table JIReportJobSimpleTrigger (        id bigint not null,        occurrence_count integer not null,        recurrence_interval integer,        recurrence_interval_unit smallint,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIReportJobTrigger (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        version integer not null,        timezone varchar(40),        start_type smallint not null,        start_date timestamp,        end_date timestamp,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIReportOptions (        id bigint not null,        options_name varchar(210) not null,        report_id bigint not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIReportOptionsInput (        options_id bigint not null,        input_value varchar(1000) for bit data,        input_name varchar(100) not null,        primary key (options_id, input_name)    );    create table JIReportUnit (        id bigint not null,        reportDataSource bigint,        query bigint,        mainReport bigint,        controlrenderer varchar(100),        reportrenderer varchar(100),        promptcontrols smallint,        controlslayout smallint,        primary key (id)    );    create table JIReportUnitInputControl (        report_unit_id bigint not null,        input_control_id bigint not null,        control_index integer not null,        primary key (report_unit_id, control_index)    );    create table JIReportUnitResource (        report_unit_id bigint not null,        resource_id bigint not null,        resource_index integer not null,        primary key (report_unit_id, resource_index)    );    create table JIRepositoryCache (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        uri varchar(250) not null,        cache_name varchar(20) not null,        data blob(20971520),        version integer not null,        version_date timestamp not null,        item_reference bigint,        primary key (id),        unique (uri, cache_name)    );    create table JIResource (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        version integer not null,        name varchar(100) not null,        parent_folder bigint not null,        childrenFolder bigint,        label varchar(100) not null,        description varchar(250),        creation_date timestamp not null,        update_date timestamp not null,        primary key (id),        unique (name, parent_folder)    );    create table JIResourceFolder (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        version integer not null,        uri varchar(250) not null,        hidden smallint,        name varchar(100) not null,        label varchar(100) not null,        description varchar(250),        parent_folder bigint,        creation_date timestamp not null,        update_date timestamp not null,        primary key (id),        unique (uri)    );    create table JIRole (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        rolename varchar(100) not null,        tenantId bigint not null,        externallyDefined smallint,        primary key (id),        unique (rolename, tenantId)    );    create table JITenant (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        tenantId varchar(100) not null,        tenantAlias varchar(100) not null,        parentId bigint,        tenantName varchar(100) not null,        tenantDesc varchar(250),        tenantNote varchar(250),        tenantUri varchar(250) not null,        tenantFolderUri varchar(250) not null,        theme varchar(250),        primary key (id),        unique (tenantId)    );    create table JIUser (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        username varchar(100) not null,        tenantId bigint not null,        fullname varchar(100) not null,        emailAddress varchar(100),        password varchar(100),        externallyDefined smallint,        enabled smallint,        previousPasswordChangeTime timestamp,        primary key (id),        unique (username, tenantId)    );    create table JIUserRole (        roleId bigint not null,        userId bigint not null,        primary key (userId, roleId)    );    create table JIXMLAConnection (        id bigint not null,        catalog varchar(100) not null,        username varchar(100) not null,        password varchar(100) not null,        datasource varchar(100) not null,        uri varchar(100) not null,        primary key (id)    );    create table ProfilingRecord (        id bigint generated by default as identity,        parent_id bigint,        duration_ms bigint,        description varchar(1000),        begin_date timestamp not null,        cache_hit smallint,        agg_hit smallint,        sql_query smallint,        mdx_query smallint,        begin_year integer not null,        begin_month integer not null,        begin_day integer not null,        begin_hour integer not null,        begin_min integer not null,        begin_sec integer not null,        begin_ms integer not null,        primary key (id)    );    create index access_date_index on JIAccessEvent (event_date);    create index access_upd_index on JIAccessEvent (updating);    create index access_user_index on JIAccessEvent (user_id);    create index access_res_index on JIAccessEvent (resource_id);    alter table JIAccessEvent         add constraint FK47FB3CD732282198         foreign key (user_id)         references JIUser;    alter table JIAccessEvent         add constraint FK47FB3CD7F254B53E         foreign key (resource_id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIAdhocChartMeasure         add constraint FK89D1A3FAB0A3C8CB         foreign key (id)         references JIAdhocState;    alter table JIAdhocColumn         add constraint FK9265D330EC885ADB         foreign key (id)         references JIAdhocState;    alter table JIAdhocGroup         add constraint FK704D9365EC885ADB         foreign key (id)         references JIAdhocState;    alter table JIAdhocReportUnit         add constraint FK68AE6BB2981B13F0         foreign key (id)         references JIReportUnit;    alter table JIAdhocReportUnit         add constraint FK68AE6BB231211827         foreign key (adhocStateId)         references JIAdhocState;    alter table JIAdhocStateProperty         add constraint FK2C7E3C6C298B519D         foreign key (state_id)         references JIAdhocState;    alter table JIAdhocTableSortField         add constraint FK1AF05FA8EC885ADB         foreign key (id)         references JIAdhocState;    alter table JIAdhocXTabColumnGroup         add constraint FK336E71F262231DA         foreign key (id)         references JIAdhocState;    alter table JIAdhocXTabMeasure         add constraint FK3CF53B0762231DA         foreign key (id)         references JIAdhocState;    alter table JIAdhocXTabRowGroup         add constraint FK9D33843C62231DA         foreign key (id)         references JIAdhocState;    create index res_type_index on JIAuditEvent (resource_type);    create index event_type_index on JIAuditEvent (event_type);    create index event_date_index on JIAuditEvent (event_date);    create index tenant_id_index on JIAuditEvent (tenant_id);    create index request_type_index on JIAuditEvent (request_type);    create index resource_uri_index on JIAuditEvent (resource_uri);    create index username_index on JIAuditEvent (username);    alter table JIAuditEventProperty         add constraint FK3429FE136F667020         foreign key (audit_event_id)         references JIAuditEvent;    alter table JIAuditEventPropertyArchive         add constraint FKD2940F2F637AC28A         foreign key (audit_event_id)         references JIAuditEventArchive;    alter table JIBeanDatasource         add constraint FK674BF34A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIContentResource         add constraint FKE466FC68A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JICustomDatasource         add constraint FK2BBCEDF5A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JICustomDatasourceProperty         add constraint FKB8A66AEA858A89D1         foreign key (ds_id)         references JICustomDatasource;    alter table JIDashboard         add constraint FKEC09F815A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIDashboard         add constraint FKEC09F81531211827         foreign key (adhocStateId)         references JIAdhocState;    alter table JIDashboardFrameProperty         add constraint FK679EF04DFA08F0B4         foreign key (id)         references JIAdhocState;    alter table JIDashboardResource         add constraint FK37B53B43326276AC         foreign key (dashboard_id)         references JIDashboard;    alter table JIDashboardResource         add constraint FK37B53B43F254B53E         foreign key (resource_id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIDataDefinerUnit         add constraint FK1EC11AF2981B13F0         foreign key (id)         references JIReportUnit;    alter table JIDataType         add constraint FK533BCC63A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIDomainDatasource         add constraint FK59F8EB88A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIDomainDatasource         add constraint FK59F8EB88992A3868         foreign key (security_id)         references JIFileResource;    alter table JIDomainDatasource         add constraint FK59F8EB8833A6D267         foreign key (schema_id)         references JIFileResource;    alter table JIDomainDatasourceBundle         add constraint FKE9F0422AE494DFE6         foreign key (bundle_id)         references JIFileResource;    alter table JIDomainDatasourceBundle         add constraint FKE9F0422ACB906E03         foreign key (slds_id)         references JIDomainDatasource;    alter table JIDomainDatasourceDSRef         add constraint FKFDA42FCCB906E03         foreign key (slds_id)         references JIDomainDatasource;    alter table JIDomainDatasourceDSRef         add constraint FKFDA42FC7106B699         foreign key (ref_id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIFileResource         add constraint FKF75B5889A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIFileResource         add constraint FKF75B58895A0C539         foreign key (reference)         references JIFileResource;    alter table JIInputControl         add constraint FKCAC6A512120E06F7         foreign key (data_type)         references JIDataType;    alter table JIInputControl         add constraint FKCAC6A512A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIInputControl         add constraint FKCAC6A51262A86F04         foreign key (list_of_values)         references JIListOfValues;    alter table JIInputControl         add constraint FKCAC6A512B37DB6EB         foreign key (list_query)         references JIQuery;    alter table JIInputControlQueryColumn         add constraint FKE436A5CCE7922149         foreign key (input_control_id)         references JIInputControl;    alter table JIJNDIJdbcDatasource         add constraint FK7F9DA248A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIJdbcDatasource         add constraint FKC8BDFCBFA8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIListOfValues         add constraint FK4E86A776A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIListOfValuesItem         add constraint FKD37CEBA993F0E1F6         foreign key (id)         references JIListOfValues;    alter table JILogEvent         add constraint FK5F32081591865AF         foreign key (userId)         references JIUser;    alter table JIMondrianConnection         add constraint FK4FF53B191D51BFAD         foreign key (id)         references JIOlapClientConnection;    alter table JIMondrianConnection         add constraint FK4FF53B19324CFECB         foreign key (reportDataSource)         references JIResource;    alter table JIMondrianConnection         add constraint FK4FF53B19C495A60B         foreign key (mondrianSchema)         references JIFileResource;    alter table JIMondrianConnectionGrant         add constraint FK3DDE9D8346D80AD2         foreign key (mondrianConnectionId)         references JIMondrianConnection;    alter table JIMondrianConnectionGrant         add constraint FK3DDE9D83FFAC5026         foreign key (accessGrant)         references JIFileResource;    alter table JIMondrianXMLADefinition         add constraint FK313B2AB8A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIMondrianXMLADefinition         add constraint FK313B2AB8801D6C37         foreign key (mondrianConnection)         references JIMondrianConnection;    create index uri_index on JIObjectPermission (uri);    alter table JIOlapClientConnection         add constraint FK3CA3B7D4A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIOlapUnit         add constraint FKF034DCCFA8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIOlapUnit         add constraint FKF034DCCF8F542247         foreign key (olapClientConnection)         references JIOlapClientConnection;    alter table JIQuery         add constraint FKCBCB0EC9A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIQuery         add constraint FKCBCB0EC92B329A97         foreign key (dataSource)         references JIResource;    alter table JIReportJob         add constraint FK156F5F6AE4D73E35         foreign key (mail_notification)         references JIReportJobMail;    alter table JIReportJob         add constraint FK156F5F6A9EEC902C         foreign key (content_destination)         references JIReportJobRepoDest;    alter table JIReportJob         add constraint FK156F5F6A74D2696E         foreign key (job_trigger)         references JIReportJobTrigger;    alter table JIReportJob         add constraint FK156F5F6A4141263C         foreign key (owner)         references JIUser;    alter table JIReportJobCalendarTrigger         add constraint FKC374C7D0D2B2EB53         foreign key (id)         references JIReportJobTrigger;    alter table JIReportJobMailRecipient         add constraint FKBB6DB6D880001AAE         foreign key (destination_id)         references JIReportJobMail;    alter table JIReportJobOutputFormat         add constraint FKB42A5CE2C3389A8         foreign key (report_job_id)         references JIReportJob;    alter table JIReportJobParameter         add constraint FKEAC52B5F2EC643D         foreign key (job_id)         references JIReportJob;    alter table JIReportJobSimpleTrigger         add constraint FKB9337C5CD2B2EB53         foreign key (id)         references JIReportJobTrigger;    alter table JIReportOptions         add constraint resource_id         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIReportOptions         add constraint report_fk         foreign key (report_id)         references JIReportUnit;    alter table JIReportOptionsInput         add constraint options_fk         foreign key (options_id)         references JIReportOptions;    alter table JIReportUnit         add constraint FK98818B77A8BF376D         foreign key (id)         references JIResource;    alter table JIReportUnit         add constraint FK98818B778FDA11CC         foreign key (query)         references JIQuery;    alter table JIReportUnit         add constraint FK98818B77324CFECB         foreign key (reportDataSource)         references JIResource;    alter table JIReportUnit         add constraint FK98818B778C8DF21B         foreign key (mainReport)         references JIFileResource;    alter table JIReportUnitInputControl         add constraint FK5FBE934AE7922149         foreign key (input_control_id)         references JIInputControl;    alter table JIReportUnitInputControl         add constraint FK5FBE934AA6A48880         foreign key (report_unit_id)         references JIReportUnit;    alter table JIReportUnitResource         add constraint FK8B1C4CA5A6A48880         foreign key (report_unit_id)         references JIReportUnit;    alter table JIReportUnitResource         add constraint FK8B1C4CA5865B10DA         foreign key (resource_id)         references JIFileResource;    alter table JIRepositoryCache         add constraint FKE7338B19E7C5A6         foreign key (item_reference)         references JIRepositoryCache;    alter table JIResource         add constraint FKD444826DA58002DF         foreign key (childrenFolder)         references JIResourceFolder;    alter table JIResource         add constraint FKD444826DA08E2155         foreign key (parent_folder)         references JIResourceFolder;    alter table JIResourceFolder         add constraint FK7F24453BA08E2155         foreign key (parent_folder)         references JIResourceFolder;    alter table JIRole         add constraint FK82724655E415AC2D         foreign key (tenantId)         references JITenant;    alter table JITenant         add constraint FKB1D7B2C97803CC2D         foreign key (parentId)         references JITenant;    alter table JIUser         add constraint FK8273B1AAE415AC2D         foreign key (tenantId)         references JITenant;    alter table JIUserRole         add constraint FKD8B5C1403C31045         foreign key (roleId)         references JIRole;    alter table JIUserRole         add constraint FKD8B5C14091865AF         foreign key (userId)         references JIUser;    alter table JIXMLAConnection         add constraint FK94C688A71D51BFAD         foreign key (id)         references JIOlapClientConnection;    alter table ProfilingRecord         add constraint FK92D5BBF7DACDD6DA         foreign key (parent_id)         references ProfilingRecord;
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And the Quartz table creation. (Quartz is an 3rd party open source project which JasperReports Server uses for scheduling - so these tables need to be in place).



create table qrtz_job_details(job_name varchar(80) not null,job_group varchar(80) not null,description varchar(120),job_class_name varchar(128) not null,is_durable integer not null,is_volatile integer not null,is_stateful integer not null,requests_recovery integer not null,job_data blob(2000),primary key (job_name,job_group));create table qrtz_job_listeners(job_name varchar(80) not null,job_group varchar(80) not null,job_listener varchar(80) not null,primary key (job_name,job_group,job_listener),foreign key (job_name,job_group) references qrtz_job_details(job_name,job_group));create table qrtz_triggers(trigger_name varchar(80) not null,trigger_group varchar(80) not null,job_name varchar(80) not null,job_group varchar(80) not null,is_volatile integer not null,description varchar(120),next_fire_time bigint,prev_fire_time bigint,trigger_state varchar(16) not null,trigger_type varchar(8) not null,start_time bigint not null,end_time bigint,calendar_name varchar(80),misfire_instr smallint,job_data blob(2000),primary key (trigger_name,trigger_group),foreign key (job_name,job_group) references qrtz_job_details(job_name,job_group));create table qrtz_simple_triggers(trigger_name varchar(80) not null,trigger_group varchar(80) not null,repeat_count bigint not null,repeat_interval bigint not null,times_triggered bigint not null,primary key (trigger_name,trigger_group),foreign key (trigger_name,trigger_group) references qrtz_triggers(trigger_name,trigger_group));create table qrtz_cron_triggers(trigger_name varchar(80) not null,trigger_group varchar(80) not null,cron_expression varchar(80) not null,time_zone_id varchar(80),primary key (trigger_name,trigger_group),foreign key (trigger_name,trigger_group) references qrtz_triggers(trigger_name,trigger_group));create table qrtz_blob_triggers(trigger_name varchar(80) not null,trigger_group varchar(80) not null,blob_data blob(2000),primary key (trigger_name,trigger_group),foreign key (trigger_name,trigger_group) references qrtz_triggers(trigger_name,trigger_group));create table qrtz_trigger_listeners(trigger_name varchar(80) not null,trigger_group varchar(80) not null,trigger_listener varchar(80) not null,primary key (trigger_name,trigger_group,trigger_listener),foreign key (trigger_name,trigger_group) references qrtz_triggers(trigger_name,trigger_group));create table qrtz_calendars(calendar_name varchar(80) not null,calendar blob(2000) not null,primary key (calendar_name));create table qrtz_fired_triggers(entry_id varchar(95) not null,trigger_name varchar(80) not null,trigger_group varchar(80) not null,is_volatile integer not null,instance_name varchar(80) not null,fired_time bigint not null,state varchar(16) not null,job_name varchar(80),job_group varchar(80),is_stateful integer,requests_recovery integer,primary key (entry_id));create table qrtz_paused_trigger_grps(trigger_group varchar(80) not null,primary key (trigger_group));create table qrtz_scheduler_state(instance_name varchar(80) not null,last_checkin_time bigint not null,checkin_interval bigint not null,recoverer varchar(80),primary key (instance_name));create table qrtz_locks(lock_name varchar(40) not null,primary key (lock_name));insert into qrtz_locks values('TRIGGER_ACCESS');insert into qrtz_locks values('JOB_ACCESS');insert into qrtz_locks values('CALENDAR_ACCESS');insert into qrtz_locks values('STATE_ACCESS');insert into qrtz_locks values('MISFIRE_ACCESS'); 
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