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Problem with russian encoding

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By: Vyacheslav Pedak - pedak

Problem with russian encoding

2002-12-09 10:58



Seems there is a bug in iReport. I need to create report with russian text. I selected UTF-8 encoding for XML file (report) and wrote text in russian in iReport. In result I received XML file with text in russian encoding (Cp1251) inside, but it must be in UTF-8 (because xerces will read text as UTF-8 not as Cp1251)





By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: Problem with russian encoding

2002-12-09 13:13

The unicode problem is the must hard to solve for me because as italian I use always a Latin charset and I don't have more expereince in use cyrillic, russian, chinese, .... characters.

However I very interested to solve this problem.

Could you send me an russian XML?

When you select UTF-8 encoding, iReport don't performe a convertion from an encoding type into another, but it simply write the encoding attribute at the begin of xml file.





By: Vyacheslav Pedak - pedak

RE: Problem with russian encoding

2002-12-10 10:45

I will send russian XML to you by email. But really it is very easy to solve this problem. You use PrintWriter to write to file:


java.io.PrintWriter pw = new java.io.PrintWriter( new java.io.FileOutputStream( filename ));


you should use such construction to output text to file in UTF-8:


PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream( filename), "UTF8"));


In result all data will be written in UTF-8 automatically


P.S. Thank you for your software, I find it very useful. So I am ready to help with encoding problems you will have. Feel free to contact me.




By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: Problem with russian encoding

2002-12-11 00:44






By: Trung Nhut Tran - nhuttrung

RE: Problem with russian encoding

2002-12-22 19:43

I have the same problem in Vietnamese.


And what is the default font for new report elements?





By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: Problem with russian encoding

2002-12-23 06:13

Trung Nhut Tran, could yue send me a Vietnamese xml? Thanks. Giulio



By: Trung Nhut Tran - nhuttrung

RE: Problem with russian encoding

2002-12-25 19:27

I solved the it.


For Vietnamese in StaticText, the PDF output is not as expected.


The problem is on SAXParser I think.


I modified IReportCompiler.java as follow:

// NOT WORK for Unicode data in StaticText

// JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(srcFileName, fileName);


FileInputStream fis = null;


fis = new FileInputStream(srcFileName);

}catch(FileNotFoundException ex){

System.out.println("File not found " +srcFileName);



jReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(fis);




print = dori.jasper.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(jReport, null, new JRResultSetDataSource(rs));


For your references, I will send you a simple Vietnamese XML file.


Thank you for the good tools,


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I am required to do vietnamese letter on PDF report.

Would appreciate if you are able to send me a sample.


I tried out the sample from JasperReport documentation. But have the following question:

- How should the text be written in unicode or?

<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["u0032"]]></textFieldExpression>

- How to decide which .TTF to use?


Thanks much.



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