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Teodor Danciu

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Posts posted by Teodor Danciu

  1. Hi,


    This is not possible in JasperReports.

    Hyperlinks covers the whole text field.

    I don't think this will be possible in the near future.


    Thank you,


    Post edited by: teodord, at: 2006/07/26 08:43

  2. Hi,


    You have to write you custom JRDataSource implementation able to iterate through that formatted data that you have.

    You could take a look at our build-in implementations of the JRDataSource interface and also at the supplied /demo/samples/datasource example inside the project distribution package.


    I hope this helps.


  3. Hi,


    The latest JR release (1.2.5) introduces support for data filters. Basically it is about specifying a boolean expression in the report template that would help filter out unwanted records from the data source.

    Just like you would normally do with the WHERE clause in an SQL query.

    In this <filterExpression> you could leverage report parameters, fields and variables.


    I'm not sure if this is the kind of filtering you are looking for.


    I hope this helps.


  4. Hi,


    Do you know which process seems to take that long?

    Is the loading of the JasperPrint object from a file on disk?

    Or is it the rendering of the first page?

    If you move from one page to another using the toolbar buttons, does it take long to render each page?


    Thank you,


  5. Hi,


    You could print to a specified network printer if you use the JRPrintServiceExporter as shown in the /demo/samples/printservice sample provided with the project.

    With this exporter you can direct printer output to a network printer that you can locate by name or based on its printing capabilities using the Java Print Service API.


    I hope this helps.


  6. Hi,


    What exactly do you mean by realigning?


    Note that the subreport names themselfs could be passed

    as parameters, or even report fields.

    You could have a single subreport element in your master report detail section, and the subreport names could come as the value of a field in the master report data source.

    So if the user selects 5 subreport, you could devise a way and fill the master report with a custom data source that has 5 records, one for each of the subreports that were selected.


    I hope this helps.


  7. Hi,


    I think this would require you to dinamically modify the report template and probably recompile it on-the-fly.

    This is because when changing the page size, you would also need to move content around to better fit into the new page layout. And layout changes requires report template re-validation, thus forcing a recompile.


    Report compilation at runtime should not be an issue anymore since the JDT-based compiler is pretty fast and does not require any special configuration, just making sure the jdt-compiler.jar is in the classpath.


    You would load a JasperDesign object, use the JasperReports API to make modifications on it, compile it and then fill it with data.


    You can take a look at our /demo/samples/alterdesign sample provided with the project, but note that it only shows what modifications could be made on a compiled report template without need for re-compilation. But it will give you an idea about how modifications could be made on a report using the API.


    I hope this helps.


  8. Hi,


    Can you check if in PDF the Hebrew text displays correctly? Or even in JasperPrint format when viewed with our Swing JasperViewer?

    If you have a particular Hebrew text chunck that presents this problem, could you embed it into the Unicode.JRXML file and attach it here so that we are able to reproduce it?


    So far we are aware about a similar issue that we've been tracking here:



    Thank you,


  9. Hi, Markus


    I don't think we can talk about metadata in JasperReports.

    Or maybe we need to define what metadata really is, in order to decide if we deal with metadata or not in JasperReports.

    Are report templates metadata themselfs?


    All I can say is that we do have metadata (or at least we call it this way) in JasperIntelligence.

    Report units, data sources, input controls and all other types of resources that are stored in the repository, we call metadata. Maybe you can take a look at our JasperIntelligence product and see if it is what you are looking for.


    I hope this helps.


  10. Hi, Marcus


    This is still an open issue since dealing with tabs or other space characters in AWT rendering is not trivial.

    I have this on one of my old TODO lists, but I don't think we tracked it properly.

    So it would be great if you could sumbit this as a Request for Enhancement (or Bug) on our new trackers here at JasperForge.


    Thank you,


  11. Hi,


    This is a quote from the Ultimate Guide:


    "The isPrintRepeatedValues attribute works only if the corresponding <printWhenExpression> is missing. If it is not missing, it will always dictate whether the element should be printed, regardless of the repeating values."


    I hope this helps.


  12. Hi,


    Do you mean you have an enhanced custom data source able to fetch records in multiple steps (data pagination) in order to minimize memory consumption?

    If you do, that's good. Maybe you could lower the number of records read in a fetch operation to see if this helps. 5000 records at a time might be too much, depending on the size of the records.


    If you have used a virtualizer, then the problem might not be related to JasperReports itself, but rather to the way the XLS exporting libraries work. They seem to store the generated XLS document in-memory, even we then save it into a file or send it to an output stream.

    So we optimized memory consumption in JasperReports by using a report virtualizer, but we cannot do the same for the exporters, because we rely on third-party libraries such as POI or JExcelAPI which do not seem to have similar mechanisms.


    And then a third issue. It depends on how you deliver the XLS content to the browser, assuming you are in a Web application. Some browsers need to know the length of the binary content they receive beforehand and this is why our XLS servlets output first to an in-memory byte array output stream, just to be able to measure the resulting document and only after that they output to the response output stream. Fortunately, there is a parameter available to turn this kind of buffering off and save up memory.


    I hope this helps.


  13. Hi,


    Are you experiencing these problems in a particular export format? Have you tried see the report output in the JRViewer (Swing viewer)?


    You could take a look at our /demo/samples/unicode sample provided with the project source files, where there is a text displaying Hebrew.


    I hope this helps.


  14. Hi,


    What you need is shown in our /demo/samples/webapp sample provided with the project distribution files.

    There is a "Page by Page" viewer for HTML.

    The total number of pages for a JasperPrint document can be obtained by calling





    I hope this helps.


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