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Everything posted by Magnus111

  1. Still, I don't really care about the specific version number (that obviously differ between pro and community versions) but I'm only interested a version with support for Jakarta EE 9.1
  2. I took a 30 days trial on the pro version 9, but saw that it still uses version 6 artefacts, so basically it use the same artefacts as the community version 6. That is, no support for Jakarta EE 9.1 ...
  3. Hi Shreekrishna, And thanks for quick reply. But I guess we are talking about different tools? In the github issue I link to Teodord say that version 7 of the "designer tool" i on it's way. And that post was written about a month ago. I, myself is very new to Jaspersoft, actually I just took over responsibility for a system that uses Jasper reports. But what I need is to be able to recompile the existing jasper templates to work with Jakarta EE 9.1. And the latest version for the community Jasper studio (https://community.jaspersoft.com/download-jaspersoft/community-edition/) is not able to do that. As far as I can understand at least. So, when you say that it is released in versions 7,8 and 9, what tool are you referring to then?
  4. Hi, I'm in a desparate need for upgrading our templates for Jakarta EE 9.1 and read here (https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/jasperreports/issues/430) that a new version supporting this is on it's way. Is there any idea on how soon it will be available?
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