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Solivan last won the day on July 11

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  1. In Jasper Studio, it is possible to create the graphics, but as shown in the image below, due to the number of fields used in the Label, it is cutting off the text. Is there a StrechOwerflow function for the Label text in the graphic?
  2. As in the image below, you open the croostab and table, it opens and stays next to the Main Report, is there any way to close them there, without having to close the report and open it again?
  3. Olá, por ventura alguém ja se deparou com este erro abaixo? O relatório compila, gera tudo certinho, porém fica me retornando este erro que não consegui identificar do que se trata. Exception, if you want to see more information look into details Reason: Cannot read field "offset" because "this.fPosition" is null
  4. Eu gostaria de saber se tem como na ferramenta nova do jasper studio desativar a opção de auto layout do crossatab, assim como possui no ireport, a opção na configuração que é disable Crosstab auto-layout.
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