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  1. I created a table object which includes timestamps (hours of the day) and values from 4 datapoints. I am using group functions and "Blank when NULL" but the result is not nice, it looks like: Timestamp Datapoint1 Datapoint2 Datapoint3 Datapoint4 ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------- 01:00 1,23 01:00 1,23 3,45 01:00 1,23 2,34 3,45 01:00 0,12 1,23 2,34 3,45 02:00 11,23 01:00 11,23 13,45 01:00 11,23 12,34 13,45 01:00 10,12 11,23 12,34 13,45 02:00 .... but it should look like that: Timestamp Datapoint1 Datapoint2 Datapoint3 Datapoint4 ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------- 01:00 0,12 1,23 2,34 3,45 01:00 10,12 11,23 12,34 13,45 02:00 .... How can I reduce the query result to one line per timestamp? Source Code is attached Test_1hour.jrxml
  2. ok, I found solution by myself it seems, that JasperReports-Server install exe is not so much well compiled for windows platforms. First I had to install GIT (Git-2.44.0-64-bit.exe) and JAVA (jre-8u401-windows-x64.exe) seperately. And check the JAVA home path echo %JAVA_HOME% C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1.8 After that I can install JasperReports-Server but during last phase I had to copy the file "keystore.init.properties" manually from .\buildomatic\build_conf\default to .\buildomatic\conf_source\templates\webapp\WEB-INF\classes (which was already mentioned in post Missing keystore-configuration.xml - Products - Jaspersoft Community)
  3. Hello, I am complete new with Jasper Reports. I installed the JasperReports-Server_9.0.0_win_x86_64.exe on my blank windows system (no other databese/java/jboss/tomcat/what else preinstalled) and I also got this problem at post-install step : cannot run program "git" ... I found several entries in this forum but no solution Anyway - I got then tomcat server up and running. And in the tomcat manager I can start /jasperserver-pro --> state = true But with http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/login.html there is always this Internal Server Error. Logfile jasperreportstomcat-stdout shows: ERROR SystemErrorController,http-nio-8080-exec-1:115 - Internal server error org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NullPointerException Has anybody an idea what I can do? thanks in advance
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