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Tirupathi Mangalarapu

Jaspersoft Staff
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  1. Tirupathi Mangalarapu's post in reportExecutions 404 resource.not.found on long-running report (community server 8.2.0) was marked as the answer   
    Hello There, 
    Looks like the session is being timed out. Can you please check this KBA:
    And updated the session timeout accordingly and redo the same tests?
  2. Tirupathi Mangalarapu's post in Build JR Server From Source: Access Denied to SpringSource Repo was marked as the answer   
    Hello There,
    Can you please check the version of the Spring? Please make sure that you are using the same version of the Spring framework as the Jasper server. 
    Thank you
  3. Tirupathi Mangalarapu's post in Evaluate a field value in another field was marked as the answer   
    You can define your text-filed expressions in the following format: "My name is "+ $F{NAME}+", and I am from Germany"
  4. Tirupathi Mangalarapu's post in Scheduling of Reports was marked as the answer   
    You can use the sequential date format appended to the report output if you are scheduling the job on Jasperserver. Does that not solve your business requirments? 
  5. Tirupathi Mangalarapu's post in How to start and Stop the jasper server on AWS? was marked as the answer   
    To stop and restart Tomcat:
    1.    SSH into your instance using your AWS private key and the user name ec2-user.
    2.    Stop the Tomcat service using the following command:
    sudo service tomcat7 stop
    3.    Restart the Tomcat service:
    sudo service tomcat7 start
  6. Tirupathi Mangalarapu's post in Can i embed Adhoc views using visualize.js? was marked as the answer   
    Hello nanjundansrini,
    Embedding of Ad Hoc views is only supported in Jasper version 7.1.x and above. If you are not on the latest GA version of Jaspersoft, then embedding of Ad Hoc views is not supported via visualize.js 
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