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Jitendra Mandalia

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Posts posted by Jitendra Mandalia

  1. On 2/14/2024 at 8:25 PM, Hiraeth said:


    hi i want to ask question, why my report crosstab still appear the boxes while the data is null, i already tick blank when null and remove line when blank, but still the boxes there. it be like this

    Hi @Hiraeth

    What version of JSS are you using? I am using JSS 8.0.2 and I am not seeing these boxes or border. Can you share the screen shot of these two properties? There is no property "Blank when Null" for crosstab.



    On 2/15/2024 at 12:05 AM, MarlonM said:

    Facing an issue while exporting a paticular report to excel (xlsx).  My charts are rendering as images on a single row in excel which is resulting in a stretch that is impacting a grid report sharing the same line.

    Any way to overcome this (i.e allow chart image to span multiple rows and prevent the stretch)?

    HTML and PDF are fine.

    Thanks in Advance


    Can you please provide some more details? What is the JasperReports Server version you are using? Have you created this report using the Jaspersoft Studio? If so, if you export the report out in the Studio, does it have the same issue? 


  3. There are no out of the box options in Jaspersoft to convert the Cognos reports to Jasper reports. Reports need to be created manually per report design. There is an option in Cognos where user can export the report design out in XML format. Jaspersoft reports supports JRXML. So one can also use XML from Cognos and manually convert those elements to JRXML. 

  4. On 1/25/2024 at 4:56 PM, chingi said:

    Hello! I'm a junior developer in South Korea.
    I am using jaspersoft studio 6.20.0 to create an output related to the match result.
    However, I'm having trouble creating a printout that looks like a picture.
    The left part of the output is a common type of detail bands,
    The right part is a crosstab of the Summary bands,
    I have no idea how to create the output.
    If anyone has a reference or a way to do this, I would appreciate it.

    image 51.png

    image 52.png

    Can you share your JRXML file? Based on the output, it should be doable with headers in the column header and fields in the detail section. The screenshot shows two headers, that doesn't seem right.


  5. On 12/22/2023 at 12:40 AM, l.falcioni said:

    Hello Jiman,

    yes, I already checked the post you shared, but unfortunately I can't find where the process is breaking.

    The error log points at folder 


    for missing permissions, but I can't understand why, since that whole folder has jasper:jasper and the user can access it freely.

    Do you know what the issue may be?

    I tried installing the product on a series of other VMs, even other OS like Ubuntu, but I get the same exact error when not using a non-root user.

    Best regards,


    1. Not sure. This seems something environment specific, where you seems to have some restriction with non-root user. 

    Do you have SELinux enabled? That might be adding more restrictions to non-root user, and if so, you can try disabling the same.

    2. Ideally this error shouldn't have anything to do with sample data, but if without that you are getting different error, it could be still related to permission issue. If not, did you try the solution provided in the referred article by adding kestore.init.properties file in the buildomatic folder? If it's there, it will be copied over to WEB-INF/classes and will use that to refer to keystore files. This is only needed if you have existing kestore file and installation isn't creating the same.  

  6. Hi

    So you have a JasperReports Server where you have the chromium installed and set up the path in the js.config.properties. Is that right? Where do you have the Studio? Is it on the same system? Do you have chromium installed on the machine where you have the Studio? As you are running the report in the Studio (Jaspersoft Studio, desktop app), you need to also make sure Studio is able to find the chromium.

    What is the OS you are using?

    To set the Chrome path in Studio...

    Navigate to Window > Preferences (or Jaspersoft Studio > Preferences on macOS).

    Go to Jaspersoft Studio option --> Select Properties.

    Find the property named net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.executable.path

    Provide full path to the Chrome executable on your system.

    Example: On Windows, it might be C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe.

    Save the updated path.

    Restart Jaspersoft Studio.


  7. Hi
    You need to login as non-root jasper user to your instance and make sure the user has rights to install the software and access to the folders where software is installed i.e. /opt  or /local and other required folders for installation. Refer to below article. The error you are seeing is related to permission, and if you have correct permission for the jasper user, you should be able to install the same.



  8. Hi @sugreevu.teja

    findFields is used to restrict the fields you want in the response. Are you trying to filter out the data using the date filter? Then you need to use findQuery option. 


    findQuery : { 'field1': 'value1', 'leave_period' : { $gt: "2021-11-16T00:00:00.000Z", $lt: "2021-11-18T00:00:00.000Z"} }


    'status_date' : { '$gte' : $P{StartDate}, $lt: $P{EndDate} }

    Please see the post below where I recently provided an example for date filter. Also check the MongoDB Query Language article specific to Jaspersoft shared before for more examples on how to filter using date fields.


  9. Hi @Jet_lag


    Please see below.

    1. MongoDB connection: For this issue, there are a few things to check. Hard to say exact reason per your environment setup.

    1.1 Verify server is available at the ip:port. As you suggested, it seems you are able to connect with MongoDB Compass UI. If so, also see  firewall rules blocking such connection from Studio.

    1.2 You can disable certificate validation for testing purposes.
    And see if one of these work to test the connection.

    1.3 Check the MongoDB server logs for any more specific errors related to SSL connections or certificate validation.

    2. There isn't direct match to elemMatch syntax but you can use similar to what is in the below example.


       { results: { $elemMatch: { product: "xyz" } } }

    Date Example without elemMatch:
    'findQuery' : {'status_date' : { '$gte' : $P{StartDate}, $lt: $P{EndDate} },          'name' : { '$regex' : '^N', '$options' : '' }      }
    OR your example below.
    findQuery : { 'value.items.segment.departure.dateTime' : { $gt: "2021-11-16T00:00:00.000Z" }}


  10. Hi @Jet_lag

    1. Your connection string seems to be wrong. It should be of below format. Basically have the database name first and then add any parameters after that.


    2. Please refer to below articles for finding the correct syntax for Jaspersoft MongoDB Query Language. 


  11. 3 hours ago, jiman said:

    Hi @sugreevu.teja

    1. Which Studio version are you using? Do you have a community edition or commercial edition? The TIBCO MongoDB JDBC driver is only available from Studio 6.2 with commercial license. You can try other MongoDB JDBC driver provided by MongoDB itself.

    2. For the MongoDB syntax, you can search for appropriate scenario online and you should get enough examples to query different data structures including arrays with MongoDB syntax.




    Above MongoDB query references were for a MongoDB driver, please refer to below article for the Jaspersoft specific MongoDB Query Language.


  12. Hi @sugreevu.teja

    1. Which Studio version are you using? Do you have a community edition or commercial edition? The TIBCO MongoDB JDBC driver is only available from Studio 6.2 with commercial license. You can try other MongoDB JDBC driver provided by MongoDB itself.

    2. For the MongoDB syntax, you can search for appropriate scenario online and you should get enough examples to query different data structures including arrays with MongoDB syntax.




  13. Hi

    Check the code for JRXmlDataSource at below Github location.


    You can extend AbstractXmlDataSource interface from which JRXmlDataSource extends if you want to customize a data source. Yes you can extend functionality of JRXmlDataSource as long as you can follow the licensing requirements of this library. 



  14. Hi,

    1. Can you share a screenshot of the Jaspersoft Studio for us to see how are you selecting a driver, what is the driver class you are specifying and path/name of the driver jar file? 

    What is the java version you have installed? This can happen with conflict between the Java version supported by Derby and Studio. We need this info to understand the compatibility issue. Please provide screenshot or text of the exact error too.

    You can refer to below article though this doesn't give concrete solution, this might be helpful to see the Java version conflict. As you are with very old Studio version, this version conflict can cause such issues.


    2. What are you trying to copy from Studio to browser edit window? What is the editor in the browser? There is nothing which Studio should be doing and you should be able to paste whatever you have in your Clipboard based on what the editor supports.

    3. About application crash, what do you mean my windows manager? How much RAM is allocated to the JVM i.e. Xmx, Xms and Xss settings?

  15. Hi @yoannbsk

    If you have local samples, that will really help. As it is working fine independently and fails with subdataset only, need to see complete jrxml, the one which is working and the one which is failing. So we can verify what is wrong. 

    What I got from your information is, the one which works fine, works on studio and JRS both, and the jrxml with subdataset doesn't work on both studio and JRS. Is that right? Please provide that clarification too.


  16. Hi

    From the newer version of JasperReports Server and Jaspersoft Studio, you can publish the modified report from the Studio to the server by using "Publish" option, to upload the Studio report to the server. 

    To save the report locally, you will need to use "Save" or "Save As" option.

    You can set the preference for Jaspersoft to publish the report when you change the report and save the same. So you can combine both the actions. To set these preferences, go to Jaspersoft's property/preference dialog and update the same, as shown in the below image. 




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