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Everything posted by wingfield65

  1. that did not work. it simply puts sequential page number on each page.
  2. >> It looks like you have grouped your data for column property description, since these are the same values, it puts a rectangle around all of them. you're referring to my mock up. this is what I want. what I'm getting is what I included in the attached file.
  3. this did not work. it just put page numbers on top of each other.
  4. the steps were posted in my original post. not sure what else I can add.
  5. Hello, I've created a custom page number so that it resets on change in a particular column. I've not been able to get this to work. On a lark, I added the variable to the header (I already had it on the footer). Bizarrely, the header works as I intended. My intent was for it to reset to page 1 whenever a new county came up. can someone advise why my custom page doesn't work on the footer?? I'd really prefer to have my pages on the bottom. I also put the county at bottom just to see if it was doing something different on the grouping, but I'll remove this once I get the pages to work properly. thank you, ND_legal exhibit for dormant minerals_with acres.jrxml
  6. Hello, I've attached one of the reports I'm working on. I've tried several different alternatives. This one seems to get closest. It uses groups, but the groups put a rectangle on the header. I've also provided a mockup of what I want the report to look like. it's in powerpoint, so a bit ugly, but you get the point. the key thing you can see is that for property description where it's "ND : Bottineau : FD595", since these are the same values, it puts a rectangle around all of them. because of the page I picked, all the other rows are just single rows / rectangles; but you get the point. anywhere, there's more than one property description where the values are the same, I want a rectangle around them. hope that makes sense. ND_legal exhibit for dormant minerals_with acres_master.jrxml
  7. hello, how would I put a border around rows that have the same value in a column. I've tried to use the group function and have a rectangle in the detail section. this puts a rectangle around each row, and just skips putting a rectangle around rows that have the same value. in that instance, I want the border to "expand" to show itself around all those rows that have the same value. thank you for any help.
  8. I'm just going to assume it's broken, since no response. I'll move on to .csv and see if that works.
  9. new user here. downloaded jaspersoft studio 6.20.6. created new project. created new report. tried to start with excel data adapter. got below error. appreciate any thoughts on how to get this to work. class net.sf.jasperreports.fastexcel.FastExcelDataSource cannot be cast to class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.ExcelDataSource (net.sf.jasperreports.fastexcel.FastExcelDataSource and net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.ExcelDataSource are in unnamed module of loader org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader @5d026573)
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