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Mehak Rajkumar

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Everything posted by Mehak Rajkumar

  1. Thank you for posting to the Jaspersoft Community. We are closing this question as duplicate. You will receive an update on the original question.
  2. Update from user letylucario - Hola Hice la pregunta previamente pero atache la evidencia incorrecta.¿, esta es la correcta Tengo el problema que desde la vista previa de Jasper trato de imprimir pero no me repseta el tamaño de la pagina seleccionada en este caso es A4, hice una prueba generando un reporte nuevo, jale un template, fui a la vista previa y mande a imprimir y sale de manera erronea, si lo paso a pdf y lo imprimo sale de manera correcta. Anexo ejemplos de como sale el reporte. Ojala alguien me pueda ayudar Gracias Saludos
  3. Thank you for posting to the Jaspersoft Community. Our team of experts has read your question and we are working to get you an answer as quickly as we can. If you have a Jaspersoft Professional Subscription plan, please visit https://support.tibco.com/s/ for direct access to our technical support teams offering guaranteed response times.
  4. Refer to this - https://www.jaspersoft.com/customer-success
  5. Thank you for posting to the Jaspersoft Community. Our team of experts has read your question and we are working to get you an answer as quickly as we can. If you have a Jaspersoft Professional Subscription plan, please visit https://support.tibco.com/s/ for direct access to our technical support teams offering guaranteed response times.
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