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Everything posted by supriyat32882

  1. hi team, 8 to 9 months ago I installed Jasper Studio plugin in Eclipse 2022-09 version. Now I am trying to install the same plugin to my second machine with same eclipse version. But now Jasper Studio plugin is not available in eclipse marketplace. Can anyone tell me what is the reason behind the unavailability of jasper plugin. Or any other way of jasper plugin installation in eclipse.
  2. I have created a JRXML with 5 tables so I want to create different sheets in the excel file according to the order of the tables. Sheets are created as expected but the problem is that if the data table has more than 27 rows then a new sheet will be created. So I expect that only one table will create only one sheet with any no of data. E.g. In case 1 table with 1000 records and another table with 20 records only two sheets should be created one with 1000 records and another with 20 records. Please suggest!!! Filterd User List_12-Dec-2023-15-41-3054.xlsx
  3. I have done that functionality but I m facing the issue with excel . I need the Excel with no table header repetition and PDF with header repeated in every page. In The JRXML file I enabled the Ignore pagination option. that's why PDF is working fine but in excel also header repeated. so for the Excel with no repeated table header what to do ? Plz suggest the solutions on that. Thanks In Advance!!!!!!
  4. Hi... Now i am using the jasper report 6.20.1 for the jasper report designing but there is more options are not available which are available in ireport 5.1.0. like for the PDF and Excel separate properties options are available in iReport 5.1.0 but not available in japserReport 6.20.1 Can any one suggest me that options are available or not. if available then where it is ? Thanks In Advance!!!!
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