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Everything posted by evandergoot

  1. Hi Johannes, in addition to my previous question is it possible to use your solution in or with a table? since my report is a table . (see attachment in the org. post) sorry if these questions might seem silly to you. that because I am a newby.
  2. Hi Johannes, thanks for the reply, I do not quite understand the part of "field menge" could you explain a little bit more for this newby Thanks a lot
  3. Hi , this is not exactly the solution to my problem. as you can see I have two rows in my BOM containing the same part with different count. what I need to do is that every occurrence of a item (column 2 ) is summed into 1 occurrence of the number. the solution should look like this any ideas on how to achieve this?? I added the generated report and the jrxml file as reference. Sorry if I ask something simple, but I am new to this. A0000046-EM02560-BOM+Report-20240130-2037 (1).xlsx defaultBomReportTemplate.jrxml
  4. Hi , I have attached two files, one is the report as it is genereated, the other is the jrxml file. in both row 123 and 158 I find the same part with different quantities. I would like to be able to run a report that has only on line of any part with the total quantity since this is what needs to be ordered in this case 6 x KDN0906 The columns in front tell the location in the assembly / sub assembly in this case this is not relevant. Regards defaultBomReportTemplate.jrxml A0000046-EM02560-BOM+Report-20240130-2037.xlsx
  5. When running a report I get multiple rows of the same item. these entries have a number attached to them in the next field. I want to reduce this to one row of this item with the summation of all occurenties of this item in the next field please help, any ideas??
  6. I have a database that contains the complete buildup of a machine. in this machine specific parts are used multiple times at different levels. now when a Bill Off Materials (BOM ) is generated, the parts and their values are shown at their own positions. For building this is great, for purchase not so. What I need is the report to show a single line of each part but the amounts of each instance summed up to one value. any Ideas ??
  7. I have a database that contains the complete buildup of a machine. in this machine specific parts are used multiple times at different levels. now when a Bill Off Materials (BOM ) is generated, the parts and their values are shown at their own positions. For building this is great, for purchase not so. What I need is the report to show a single line of each part but the amounts of each instance summed up to one value. any Ideas ??
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