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Posts posted by doug.fugatemdfcommerce.co

  1. BI is complaining of using a license that expired on 2/15/22 at 5:59PM. However, I have replaced every jasperserver.license on the server with the correct one, to no avail. I have even cleared out the tomcat cache (removed under apache-tomcat the work and the temp directory, even removed a .jslic file as per Invalid license. Professional Commercial license expired on 25-10-18 00:59, also to no avail.

    What happens is the correct jasperserver.license is placed into the /opt/BI_6_2_1400_2023/ directory, and also in /root. Both of those jasperserver.license files revert back to the previous jasperserver.license upon starting BI. I tried to create a symlink to the license file, but same results.

    Why does the jasperserver.license revert back to the previous version?

    I have verified it is looking at the correct directory, which it is doing. When you  "ps -ef | grep java" I can see the path of the djs.license, and it is correct. However, the license file reverts back to previous version, and we receive the following error message at the URL:

    License Failed

    Invalid license. Enterprise Commercial license expired on 2/15/22 5:59 PM.

    Please contact Jaspersoft Technical Support.



    Thank you,


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