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Everything posted by jonas.olsson

  1. We are currently using an ancient embedded Jasper with layouts stored as .jars in database. For printing they are fetched, unpacked and then pointed to using a ClassLoader for Jasper to generate the PDF. As we're looking to upgrade, significantly, by introducing a Jasper Server there are two main areas of interest (in addition to the JRXML re-writes): The passing of the reports data as part of the generation request. This seems to be possible by coding our own DataSource provider parsing a JSON parameter valueThe deployment of reports (JRXMLs, translation .properties etc.)I've looked through the documentation, but have not found a good description of deployment. I'd hope it'd be similar to what we already do, but instead of putting the files into a JAR into the database we would upload the files in a Repository folder and reference that folder in the generation request. Is this how it should be done?
  2. Our current Jasper use is via an (ancient) embedded Jasper and we would like to explore an external JasperReports server. However, we would not like to expose our report domain models externally (they are a mix of DB data and calculations/formatting). When embedded we provide them as Java POJOs, but remotely we would like to provide all that data in the report request. Just browsing the API, it looks like we could add a custom report source that would parse JSON from a request parameter, but that feels hacky. Am I missing an actual API for providing data explicitly for each report run?
  3. We're thinking of replacing our (ancient) embedded Jasper with an external JasperReports service, but what as the layout selection then moves "out of our hands" I'd like to know if there's any way to influence how the layout is resolved when requesting a report. We're running a multi-tenant application and each tenant may have it's own layout variant, overriding a common default. As layout deployment and selection would no longer be made by our application, is there a way for us to customize the way layouts are resolve so that we could abandon our "deploy layouts for every tenant although 95% of them are identical" approach and have a "true" default a tenant would fall back to if no tenant override was found?
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