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Everything posted by deadsploid

  1. Hi, I have a report that consists of tables and a certain text at the bottom, but the amount of text depends on the size of the tables, is it possible to make certain rows displayed only if space allows
  2. For those who will need it, I have found a solution. Select the second table - Go to the Advanced tab - Find the Location section - and change the Float value in the Position Type property. Just in case, I'll attach a screenshot, now you can put tables in a row and they will go sequentially
  3. Thanks a lot for the answer. The question is about the margins from the table so that they are created themselves, because all tables can have a different number of rows and so that the margins are always the same regardless of the number of records
  4. Hi, I have such a question how to make the margins dynamic and determined depending on the size of the table? I have a table in the middle of the report in which there may be a different number of rows depending on the person and there are other tables under it. And how to make the indentation determined dynamically?
  5. Hi, I have such a problem that changes in the subreport do not occur at the viewing stage. For example, I add a column to the subreport and save it after that I start viewing and it is there, but when I go to the main report, nothing changes and the only thing that helps to create it all over again, but when the project is very large it is impossible. I think that jasper studio stores a cache somewhere so that everything works faster and it gets clogged, which is why the current changes are not recorded, can you please tell me how to clear it or what to do in such a situation
  6. Hi, thanks a lot for the answer. This method did not help, it still gives out a white sheet
  7. Hi, I faced such a problem as the subreport does not work, namely, it is not formed, information from the main report is simply displayed, and information from the subreport does not work, whether it is static text, just an sql query or a query with pameters. I have attached 3 screenshots 1) Main report 2)Subreport 3) the output is just from the subreport 4)output from the main report
  8. Hello, I want to use a subreport that is stored on the jasperserver, but when I select it, there is nothing in the repository. Although the file is present on the server.
  9. Hello, I have started using Subreport. I created it and uploaded it later to jasperserver, but when I try to attach it, the SubReport file seems to be missing
  10. Hello, I have such a problem, I created a subport and placed it on the jasperserver, but when I want to use it, it does not see it. Jasperserver has it, but when I try to use it, it disappears. I uploaded the jrxml file, but maybe it needs to be done differently.
  11. Thank you very much for your answer. I'm sorry I didn't phrase it that way. The problem is that when I want to use a subport that is located on the jasperserver, then during the selection it does not see it in the directory. It appears and disappears for less than a second. I will attach a screenshot of how everything looks in studio and server. As you can see in the screenshot, there is a file on the server, but the studio does not see it. I tried to manually enter the path "repo:/recTemp/SubreportHeader.jrxml", but it says that the source was not found. net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Resource not found at: repo:/recTemp/SubreportHeader.jrxml.
  12. Hello, is it possible to make the sub-report take the data source from the main report, if so, how? I load a report on jasperserver and it turns out that it should work on 14 databases and I would like to have a data source only for the main report than to do 28 actions of the same type I also sent the subreport file to the jasperserver, but it does not see it, although it is on the server. when adding a subreport, the folder shows that it is empty
  13. Thank you very much for the advice mbielkiewicz, yes, I eventually changed the query and output it through the table and then connected it as a subreport
  14. Hello, I have such a question, I need to make the same column produce different data in the same PageHeader or Title. I have jaspersoft studio community edition so there is no multiselect. I'm sorry if I'm not explaining clearly, I'll give a screenshot of what I want. Thank you very much for your answer I will be very grateful.
  15. Hello, yes, I did not think that someone had already answered that problem) Thank you very much for your answer, I think it will help a lot)
  16. I'm sorry to distract you again. I read this section, but I didn't understand anything. Do I need an account in the database and on the jasperserver to have the same names ? If you don't mind, please describe. Thank you very much in advance and I sincerely apologize
  17. Hello rpeguet Thanks for the answer, but that's a little off the mark. I have data sources and a report connected to them, but the problem is that there are 14 data sources and this report should work in all sources. that is, in order to receive the required amount of information, I need to create 14 copies of the report and connect it to different sources. I would like to ask you for help, maybe you know how you can dynamically connect to sources or how to make it easier to add 14 copies and connect to the same number of sources. There are a lot of such reports and it will take a lot of time to add each one manually.
  18. Hello, after clicking on the desired function, a "Properties" panel appears in the lower right corner. I'll attach a screenshot in my comment for better understanding.
  19. Hello, I recently started working with jasperserver and I have a question. How can you optimize the work with reports? I have one report that can work on 10 databases and in order for it to work on all, I add it and I have a source for each and it turns out that in order for 1 report to work, I have 10 copies for each source, can this be optimized somehow?
  20. Thank you very much for your answer, it is really very helpful and important. I searched for something similar on the Internet, but did not find anything. I decided to use ChatGPT and he said that you can do the same by giving an example similar to what I indicated. Giulio, could you please suggest how to simplify the task. I have a report and it should be used by different data sources, what can I do to avoid entering 14 data sources and the same report for each source?
  21. If anyone else encounters this problem, then here is the solution: 1. click on the TextField you need 2. After the "Properties" tab appears, go to the "Advanced" tab 3. Find the line "Evaluation Time" in the "TextField Properties" section at the bottom and change its value to "Report"
  22. Hello, I need to display the total amount of the column in the Title bands in the report, but when I use it in the form of SUM($F{Opl}) or $V{SumOpl2}, then my value is equal to the first row of the column or null . how do i display the sum of the column in title ?
  23. Sorry, that's what you're asking for. To give a user role permission to view all schedules from all users, you need to allow the action capability: Open the Manage tab.Select Roles and Decisions.The required role appears, which you want to allow to view all schedules, and select it.Set resolution for this rotation:In the "Permissions on the server" section, select "All applications" and check the "View schedule" checkbox. In the "Resource Permissions" section, select "All Reports" and check the "View Schedule" checkbox. Click the "Save" button to save your changes. After that, all schedules from all users and all reports in the Jasperserver system are used with this delegate role.
  24. Hello. If you need to give the user access to reports. To do this, go to the "Reports" section and select the required report. Click the "Manage access rights" button and add the user to the allowed list by selecting what the user needs. Step by step shown in the attached image, after that click "Apply" and the rights to this folder or report will be allowed.
  25. Hi, I started working with jaspersoft studio recently and faced such a problem. At the end of the report, I need to calculate the sum of the columns, but if I use the "textfield wizard", then it counts only the last page when I need to calculate a row from all pages. If you create a TextField and add it via Numeric sum, then it generally displays the last line. How do I make a column from all the pages sum up?
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