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Everything posted by nurfariha90

  1. I have to sort a column (sequenceDisplay) containing multilevel listing, up to 4 decimal points such as 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, | 2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2, 2.3, | 3, 3.1.1, 3.1.2,, 3.2, | 4, ........., | 9.1, 9.2, | 10, 11. Using Sort Fields in Jasper Studio only sort the column in Ascending/Descending order and thus item 10 and 11 fall after 1.3 instead 9.2. The query used in the Dataset directly called the store procedure. However, I have tested the query which is using ORDER BY INET_ATON(SUBSTRING_INDEX(CONCAT(sequenceDisplay ,'.0.0.0'),'.',4)) and the results are produced correctly and accordingly to the sequence I want. Is there any solution to sort the column with multilevel listing accordingly in Jaspersoft Studio? Appreciate any kind of helps and comments from experts. Thanks a lot!
  2. Hello, I am new to the Jasper Report as well as the community. I have to populate a report on some FB No. for certain projects. So I am using a cascading input parameter where my first parameter is a single select query (Project), once the project is selected, the second parameter (FB No.) will prompt 1=1 the value of all the FB. No. related to the project. I manage to complete up to here. However, upon selecting the FB No. and click on "Apply", error popup. In the Jasper Studio, the previewing is only single input selection and I manage to populate some output. Is the error related to the multi-select query input parameter that I creates in the Jasper Server? And for that multi-select parameter, I cannot use java.util.collection or java.util.list in the Jasper Studio, it will says parameter not supported (I read and found some comments mentioning, for multi-select parameter, the parameter class should be using those type only). Is this also one of the cause? Appreciate any kind of helps and comments from experts. Thanks a lot!
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